Help Me make a competetive Izzet deck!
Deck Help forum
Posted on March 17, 2014, 12:03 a.m. by CommanderOfBolas
the deck I have so far is
I'm sick of Izzet puns! Playtest
SCORE: 0 | 0 COMMENTS | 9 VIEWSI need some help on the sideboard, but would also appreciate some mainboard help. Before anyone asks, I do not want to add a third color. this deck is strictly izzet control.
CommanderOfBolas says... #5
after looking at my deck, Curse of the Swine is perfect! it works well with mortars, anger, and Cyclonic Rift ! plus it hits gods, polukranos, blood barons, and Master of Waves !
-Logician says... #2
Hypersonic Dragon can be put into the sideboard against decks where protection from white in Stormbreath Dragon isn't relevant... specifically R/G Monsters. It'll let you instant speed Mizzium Mortars without the need of having Quicken in your hand.
Against Hammer of Purphoros , you may wish to side in Smelt . Answers that crap pretty damn fast. And trust me, that shit needs to get off the field immediately.
Sadly, Izzet really doesn't have anything to deal with enchantments. White and green have plenty of answers, but blue and red have nothing.
Consider mainboarding Lightning Strike . It's actually a pretty nice card to have in your deck against some hyper aggro. You're not always going to have a mizzium, and sometimes you need instant speed.
One Curse of the Swine would go great with Mizzium Mortars if you can manage to Quicken the curse of the swine during your opponent's attack phase to basically nullify their entire attack, leave them with some bacon, and then burn all of that bacon alive next turn with mortars.
Hope I helped!
March 17, 2014 1:21 a.m.