Help Me Make Standard Reanimator!
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 20, 2014, 1:52 p.m. by -Bean-
The Goal
Junk Rites, back in the Ravnica-Gatecrash season, was a really fun deck. Obviously, losing Lingering Souls , Avacyn's Pilgrim , Thragtusk and of course Unburial Rites all but killed the archetype. However, I want to bring it back.
Reanimator is a fun strategy, combining an intricate setup and some complex deckbuilding with a giant, impressive finish. It's entertaining to play with and not incredibly oppressive to play against. There are three main parts of a reanimator deck:
Keep yourself alive until you can reanimate something. In the original Junk Rites, Lingering Souls was stellar, with synergy with Mulch and 4 chumps from one card.
Pitch your reanimation targets into the graveyard and ramp yourself up a reanimation spell. Previously, Mulch was the ideal candidate for this.
Reanimate a fatty and smash face with it to win! Or, alternatively, if the reanimation thing doesn't work out, just kill with your smaller guys. Unburial Rites was the spell of choice before, bringing back Angel of Serenity or Craterhoof Behemoth .
This is where I need your help! There are a handful of cards I'm considering for slots in the deck, and I'd love to hear your opinions and suggestions. Here are my considerations:
One main point I've been stuck on is whether to go White-Green-Black or Blue-Green-Black. Both seem to have strong additions to this deck. I'd love to hear opinions on those points.
I need the community's help to build this deck! Suggestions are not only welcome, but essential!
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I really like this deck:
It's built around Immortal Servitude
but can still play aggressively and win "fair" or combo off with Purphoros, God of the Forge
. It seems really fun to play with even if it's not a classic "reanimate a big guy" deck.
February 20, 2014 3:39 p.m.
For 'setup', three's now Commune with the Gods as a possible option... get creatures into the grave, and get to a Whip of Erebos quicker. - Doesn't get you land if you need one, but can get Bomb into grave, and stall/setup into hand.
February 20, 2014 3:54 p.m.
Although a bit more expensive, Champion of Stray Souls and/or Silent Sentinel (if you have lethal enchantments..?) could make for odd alternatives to Whip of Erebos ...
Basically, when you think they are siding in some hate against the Whip, you side it out, and bring these in... or just bring in the Sentinel if their Whip hate doesn't exile, so you can just bring it back.
February 20, 2014 4:02 p.m.
Jojja: That's a cool reanimation package, thought not exactly what I'm going for here. I might take up that idea, though. Seems like a fun gameplan.
Rayenous: Playing Commune with the Gods means I want 3-4 Whip of Erebos . I like the card, but it depends on how I plan on making the deck.
February 20, 2014 4:10 p.m.
Rayenous, as cool as Champion of Stray Souls is, I think it is a bit too slow. The list I would run with Commune with the Gods would run 3-4x Whip of Erebos and [4x Commune with the Gods , plus 3x Obzedat's Aid to bring up the whip or reanimate.
February 20, 2014 4:12 p.m.
Servo_Token says... #8
Mono White Reanimator with Silent Sentinel , Enchantment creatures (Eidolon of Countless Battles ), and Immortal Servitude ? Maybe?
Though it doesn't really have a way to fill the grave.
February 20, 2014 4:27 p.m.
Haha, weird, cool idea. The grave filling is kind of a problem. Maybe Orzhov with Undercity Informer and a bunch of one-drops?
February 20, 2014 4:45 p.m.
Nigeltastic says... #10
If you're going reanimator with black in it, consider Nighthowler , as he gets massive for relatively cheap, and when put on the back of say Lotleth Troll becomes a real force to be reckoned with. I would also say consider Satyr Wayfinder , as he is a mulch with a body.
February 20, 2014 5:47 p.m.
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #11
I think Junk is the way to go for Reanimator. Angel of Serenity is one of the best cards for such a deck, and arguably the best Whip of Erebos target is Obzedat, Ghost Council . You can also use Ashen Rider , and token-makers like Armada Wurm and Trostani's Summoner work great with the Whip. Voice of Resurgence is a nice early stall and is a great sac for Rescue from the Underworld . Not to mention you get Obzedat's Aid .
If you only have room for one of either Lotleth Troll or Pack Rat , I say go with the Troll. His discard is free, and his regen is nice and cheap. The Rat does allow a better alternate win con, but the Troll helps you toward your goal faster.
One card that shouldn't be overlooked for at least a sideboard slot is Rot Farm Skeleton . He can absolutely wreck control decks.
February 20, 2014 5:51 p.m.
The most promising build I've tried has run 3x Angel of Serenity and 3x Obzedat, Ghost Council along with 3x Whip of Erebos they're all really powerful cards that let you stabilize. Rescue from the Underworld has taken a backseat to Obzedat's Aid for the moment. Armada Wurm is good in some matchups, but can also be a weak target. I agere, though, that Lotleth Troll is stronger in this deck than Pack Rat . One card I actually really like in the devotion matchup is Gaze of Granite .
Servo_Token says... #2
So personally, I much prefer Junk, just because the early - mid game presence is much better than BUG. Centaur Healer , Voice of Resurgence , and Trostani, Selesnya's Voice are all really good at keeping the opponent distracted so you can get your gears rolling. Also, Voice of Resurgence + Rescue from the Underworld is a sweet synergy.
There's actually a couple of pretty decent reanimator lists on the site already, and a quick search should yield a good amount of decks to inspire you for this one.
February 20, 2014 3:12 p.m.