Help Me Make Teysa Work

Deck Help forum

Posted on April 23, 2013, 12:47 p.m. by Taytora

Being a new player, with DGM being my 1st new set release, perhaps I'm a little misguided, but I would love to build a viably competitive deck (standard legal including DGM) based on Teysa. (For reference: Teysa)

I started out initially with orzhov, so the guild has a "soft spot" for me. I believe that Teysa can be great if you can get her out. to best accomplish a Teysa based deck?
My 1st thoughts are that strictly remaining B/W isn't going to be enough. Was thinking I could splash blue for counter type cards for added protection (e.g. Dispel , Supreme Verdict , and Dissipate ) or green for added speed with mana ramp (thinking Farseek , Alpha Authority ).

Some obvious, 1st to mind card inclusions would be Crypt Ghast , Orzhov Charm , Vampire Nighthawk -trying to hone in on the colors 1st though.

Any thoughts or ideas are most welcome!!

Blakkhand says... #2

I would definitely do the green splash for ramp, including Farseek , Arbor Elf , and Avacyn's Pilgrim . You could even consider just cramming her in to the already amazing junk rites builds.

April 23, 2013 12:54 p.m.

pookypuppy6 says... #3

Stall and ramp seem like a good idea, and can probably be well-achieved by splashing green. Cards that may work include Centaur Healer (great for pepping up your total and blocking) and the already-mentioned Farseek and Avacyn's Pilgrim . However, Crypt Ghast would be handy if you had enough Swamps to pull it off. Some shocklands like Overgrown Tomb and Godless Shrine would be great here, but they are expensive.

I would include Unburial Rites as it's a great card for bringing your Crypt Ghast s and Teysa, Envoy Of Ghosts back after they get inevitably targeted by removal. Lingering Souls is also an excellent card, for stalling and even attacking. However, both of these cards will not be Standard-legal come October.

April 23, 2013 2:39 p.m.

Well, there are three main options for BW decks at the moment:

  1. Esper (UWB) control, which uses Supreme Verdict , Azorius Charm , and Devour Flesh to stall the game, then cast Sphinx's Revelation and proceed to win the game. You could use Teysa as a win condition in this deck, but honestly, Obzedat, Ghost Council is much better.

  2. The Aristocrats, a BWR sacrifice-themed deck with Cartel Aristocrat , Falkenrath Aristocrat , Champion of the Parish , Doomed Traveler , and Skirsdag High Priest . Again Obzedat would be better here.

  3. Junk (GWB) Rites, a deck focused around filling your graveyard with Mulch and Grisly Salvage , then using Unburial Rites to bring back huge creatures. Teysa might fit here as an answer to aggro.

In conclusion, Teysa is not very good, as she dies to a lot of removal and does not do anything immediately upon entering the battlefield. Obzedat, Ghost Council is a much better Orzhov card. However, you could make Teysa work in Junk Rites.

April 23, 2013 4:59 p.m.

pookypuppy6 says... #5

A lot of things die to a lot of removal :$ And this Teysa is actually better than most creatures at dodging it, being black, anti-Ultimate Price and protected against creature-based removal too. But yes, Murder , Tragic Slip or Brimstone Volley would nail her.

April 23, 2013 8:24 p.m.

So does Mizzium Mortars , and Azorius Charm , which is huge.

April 23, 2013 9:59 p.m.

Taytora says... #7

That's why you make her hexproof or bounce her with orzhov charm

April 23, 2013 11:19 p.m.

Taytora says... #8

Here's the deck list for initial thoughts: Crippled by the Cripple

April 24, 2013 8:43 p.m.

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