Help me pick a deck.
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 7, 2014, 3:59 p.m. by PostalService
I have gone through a couple of budget decks that I could take to tonight's Fnm, and its down to these two. Im not sure how they will fair long term with Born to the Gods right around the corner, which is why im going to a low price. Im leaning more towards the Scy deck, mostly because I simply cannot see the win-con in the other, if i am wrong or anyone has a better suggestion please comment ! I Scry Every Time or Honey Badger Don't Care
Lord007 says... #2
Shameless self-promotion here:
Elite Taactics Playtest
Standard Lord007
SCORE: 124 | 12 COMMENTS | 12084 VIEWSAlso, you should know that Honey Badger Don't Care isn't standard anymore. There are several cards illegal in the current standard environment.
February 7, 2014 5:07 p.m.