Help my FNM deck
Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 28, 2013, 2 p.m. by JamestheJoo
I have been running a mono-white deck and so far it's winning about two out of three games against most decks. looking for some tips and tricks you might know of to handle things. my biggest threat is probably board wipes, and spot removal. This is SPARTA!
Dalektable says... #3
This should be moved to the deck help forum, i'm sure Epochalyptik will move it soon.
November 28, 2013 6:19 p.m.
JamestheJoo says... #4
The one-ofs are temporary till I can get some of the other cards I need. IE. Another Soldier of the Pantheon and take out Favored Hoplite , out with the Fencing Ace and in another Precinct Captain . Thanks for the tip though.
I will move it right now sir, I thought I had posted it in the right place, but I did it from my Ipad and didn't notice it went to this forum. Sorry about that.
pumpkinsword says... #2
I'd up the amount of Mutavault and make the deck more consistent by running less one-ofs.
November 28, 2013 4:38 p.m.