Help Needed with a Competitive Standard Deck
Deck Help forum
Posted on May 31, 2013, 8:45 a.m. by psychoza
I have been trying to homebrew a deck (Domri's Bloodrush Buddies) that I have not seen in the pro tournaments (maybe it just never hits top 8).
The idea/goal is simple... be an aggro deck that can hold out/race against Naya Blitz but can transition into the midgame better. I feel I am missing 1 drops and am debating between Legion Loyalist and Stromkirk Noble . I am also unsure of what to take out for either.
I am open to splashing a third color as well, just not sure what direction to go. Probably white or black. I want to try and keep the deck as original as possible or at least keep it around it's original goal as stated above.
Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
@zig13, the benefit I see of adding say Legion Loyalist is late game with 3 creatures (I hate ifs but still...) it is still a good draw for the First Strike / Trample / can't be blocked by tokens to all my creatures, comboed with the Wild Beastmaster / Bloodrush just makes the Legion Loyalist bigger and the attack a bigger threat.
I am disputing your advice in anyway. This is just the debate that is going back and forth in my mind. Another reason I feel the need for the addition of more 1 drops is the games I have played I am missing my 1 drops in my opening hand quite often due to only having 4 in the deck.
May 31, 2013 9:08 a.m.
Lol, I am not disputing**.
Totally missed a word in that sentence.
May 31, 2013 9:09 a.m.
I have also been told that deck is lacking in removal. In my Sideboard I have Pit Fight , Searing Spear , and Clan Defiance . Any feedback on if this is enough/too much/what it should replaced with is appreciated as well.
May 31, 2013 11:42 a.m.
detentionsphere says... #6
The deck is pretty good, but I think you'll find that the aggro decks are faster than you and the midrange decks can overpower you with Thragtusk s and Olivia Voldaren s. The deck right now is kind of slow and clunky. I would drop the Savageborn Hydra , Wild Beastmaster , Signal the Clans , and Flesh / Blood for Rakdos Cackler , Stromkirk Noble , and Hellrider .
June 1, 2013 12:14 a.m.
APPLE01DOJ says... #7
May I suggest Gorger Wurm and Ruination Wurm and in the event you do decide to splash black Charnelhoard Wurm
I would maybe take out two of the Arbor Elf in favor of two (or possibly 4) Zhur-Taa Druid
Since it looks like you have a ton of stuff that will easily be put in the graveyard Boneyard Wurm might prove beneficial.
June 3, 2013 1:26 a.m.
Epochalyptik says... #8
@APPLE01DOJ: The deck is supposed to be Standard-legal. Neither Gorger Wurm nor Charnelhoard Wurm is legal in Standard.
Also, Gorger Wurm , Ruination Wurm , Charnelhoard Wurm , and Boneyard Wurm are unimpressive.
Arbor Elf is useful because it fills the one-drop slot and can untap Stomping Ground . Zhur-Taa Druid costs 2.
June 3, 2013 1:39 a.m.
@APPLE01DOJ I like Wurms. back around Judgement / Torment I used to have a green/white wurm deck. But, as Epochalyptik said, this is a Standard format deck as it shows near the deck's title in the Green box. Also, the deck is built for speed and you won't see anything higher than a 4 cmc.
@detentionsphere I recall you giving similar suggestions for my Aggressive Behavior deck. Would you mind going into a little more detail for the reason on the pieces to take out? I understand the additions. Specifically I am looking at Savageborn Hydra and Wild Beastmaster . A lot of people have mentioned their dislike to the Signal the Clans . I also get that Flesh / Blood is situational and requires me to have open mana which rarely happens. Thanks in advance!
zig13 says... #2
You have a playset of 1drops in Arbor Elf . Adding more 1/1s would be a pretty bad idea. 4 Arbor Elf s are enough to ensure you can start the vast majority of games with one as a turn-1 play but you will inevitably draw 1-or-2 late game and it will feel bad.
In those decks that need a first-turn creature play either a mana dork such as Arbor Elf or an pushed, agressive creature such as Rakdos Cackler is played. You can't really have both without destroying your curve. You only ever ideally want to play 1/1s on turn 1 as at any other time they will probably be outclassed.
May 31, 2013 9:02 a.m.