help on a standard deck

Deck Help forum

Posted on Dec. 8, 2012, 12:11 p.m. by Jack360

hi!on the star i want to say i am sorry for my bad english, i didn't find a way to auto-correct it.

i stop playing magic the gathering a few years ago and now i am back, i bougth some old intro packs, and 3 holyday gift box(for my cards), and now i am thinking on doing a standard deck for fnm and some tournoments.

so the thing is on the 3 holliday pack i pull on the rares2Abrupt Decay2supreme Verdict1Necropolis Regent1Utvara Hellkite1Wild Beastmaster3Mana Bloom

1Volatile Rig1Cryptborn Horror

because of the Abrupt and the supreme i was thinking on a golgari deck or azouris deck.

on a store here in my country they give me a 63 euros voucher because of some broken portable hard drive.and they have all the magic where 20% off so i am thinking on grabing these oportunaty to do a deck.i was thinking in stuff to help on my deckthey have a lot of stuff since the 2010 fat packs and event decks

i was thinking on buying the Golgari: Creep and Conquer for 20 euros and a fat pack of ravnica for 32 euros, or buy 2 event decks of Golgari: Creep and Conquer and a fat pack, i am really in the shodow.should i buy m13 fat pack? or intro packs for 11 euros? or just 2 fat packs? or more holiday packs for 15e?

please help me

kriskurse says... #2

I would personally buy the Event decks. But i only say that because it comes with a Thragtusk , Woodland Cemetery , Strangleroot Geist and others, where a fat pack is random and would be harder to make a actual deck around.

December 8, 2012 12:31 p.m.

Jack360 says... #3

well and should i buy 4 event decks? or 2 event decks and 1 fat pack? they have like all fat pack of inistrad block and m13 and RTR what to buy?should i do a golgari deck?

December 8, 2012 2:43 p.m.

SwiftDeath says... #4

fat packs have the worst chances to pull back your money I agree on the event deck that kriskurse suggested and buy at least two cause Thragtusk wins games you can make a good B/G midrange deck from it too. You probably won't be able to build a pro tourney deck but you can make a deck that might place top 16 in your meta you just have to know what to sideboard for so my overall suggestion is to buy the event deck, play a few fnm's to learn what your opponents play and adjust your deck and sideboard accordingly. so look online see what sets have what your trying to get and you could get booster packs and hope to pull value or you could buy singles and get what you need for your deck right away. over the last two years I have started to buy more singles over boosters but I always buy a box of the new set if it has enough overall value. hope this helped.

December 8, 2012 2:58 p.m.

Jack360 says... #5

thank you guys :D so i should buy the event deck, and no fat pack? and should i buy 2 or 4 event deck? is 4 too much? thanks for your time guys

December 8, 2012 3:03 p.m.

pumpkinsword says... #6

I would say buy 2 Golgari event decks, will give you decent cards and the cards in the event decks are worth more than the event decks right now. I'd save the rest of your money to buy singles that you think you'll need for your deck. If you want to play Golgari zombies, some of the cards like Gravecrawler and card:Geralf's Messenger and Lotleth Troll are ones you are going to want. Rancor is also good (if they sell singles there). Fat Packs aren't worth it.

December 8, 2012 3:12 p.m.

Jack360 says... #7

they dont sell singles there :S well i have 3 rancor of urza legacy and if i search all my boxes i will find one more for sure...i was preaty active on magic that time, i have a lot of old cards like dual lands(revised) and things like that...but if they have 4 event deck's i migth get crazy and buy them...xDor should i spend money on some other stuff and buy the 2 event i am relly lost here

December 8, 2012 3:19 p.m.

pumpkinsword says... #8

Do they sell packs for cheap? Because fat packs really aren't worth it unless you really like the box and dice for some reason. Also, if you buy new cards, buy Return to Ravnica. Hopefully then you can do some trading. I'll try and build a standard Golgari zombie deck if you want and post it here. Should take me about 5 minutes.

December 8, 2012 3:24 p.m.

Jack360 says... #9

would you do that? thanksss :D i would really appreciate that! they sell 3 booster packs but they are expensive like 10 euros

December 8, 2012 3:27 p.m.

pumpkinsword says... #10

Here it is, might require some work, but this is a pretty good base deck. I added in the Thragtusks because I realized that they are in the event deck and you might want to use them. The other version is just go for a Golgari deck, not using zombies and use cards like Strangleroot Geist and Wolfir Silverheart . Depends on which one you like more. Here is the zombie version: deck:golgari-zombies-base. You don't need the Caverns for it to function, and you can use Golgari Guildgate if you need more duals. Otherwise just use Forests and maybe Evolving Wilds .

December 8, 2012 3:33 p.m.

Jack360 says... #11

thank you pumpkinsword i will take a look now at the deck :D if i have some questions of the cards can i ask you?

December 8, 2012 3:40 p.m.

SwiftDeath says... #12

you can also check this link for the top G/B zombie decks that actually place in tourneys. these are not budget restricted.

be sure to copy the entire link.

December 8, 2012 3:43 p.m.

SwiftDeath says... #13

fail sorry about the link stretching the page but it won't work any other way anyway it is a list of all the B/G zombie decks that placed in the top 16 since the start of november. hope it helps with your deck.

December 8, 2012 3:46 p.m.

pumpkinsword says... #14

Yeah go ahead, I'm up for questions. The top 8 decks are also a good idea to check out, as those have actually seen tournament play. The one I posted was just to give you a general idea of what one might look like. I play Jund Zombies, here is that deck if you are interested: deck:jund-zombie-ridiculousness.

December 8, 2012 3:56 p.m.

Jack360 says... #15

ok i will see that decks and will come back for some questions...i will go to the store tomorrow, so i should get only 2 event deck of RTR or 4?if they are sold out of that deck what should i buy?(its good to have a B plan) thanks :D

December 8, 2012 5:24 p.m.

Jack360 says... #16

sorry for the double post, there is a M13 deck that have that green guy too that give 5 life and leave a 3-3 when dies

December 8, 2012 5:25 p.m.

Jack360 says... #17

hi! sorry for the triple post, but i don't know how to edit mine...

they have there Magic Planechase 2012 Edition and i saw the ninja pack is really high price on the internet, is that worth anything?


December 8, 2012 9:29 p.m.

Jack360 says... #18

ok lets see what you vote:

option 1-me buying 4 event deck's

option 2- me buying 2 event deck and 1 fat pack


December 9, 2012 1:42 p.m.

This discussion has been closed