Help on Counters
Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 25, 2013, 8:41 p.m. by Arvail
I'm currently adjusting Synthetic Mind Decay.
The deck sits on the following counters:
2x Dissolve , 3x Doom Blade , 3x Far / Away , 3x Hero's Downfall , 4x Psychic Strike , 3x Syncopate ,
I like Syncopate , but I feel like it becomes unwieldy after a few turns. Should I run -1 Far / Away , -3 Syncopate , and then +2 Negate , +2 Essence Scatter ? How about some other distribution of counters and control? Maybe just stick with Syncopate ?
General advice is also welcome. As things stand, the deck goes roughly 50/50 vs my friends who've all put a lot more money into the game than I have.
vampirelazarus says... #3
First off, Hero's Downfall , Far / Away , and Doom Blade are removal, not counters. Second, Far / Away is a pretty sweet card. Terminology can be confusing sometimes.
As suggested, I would cut Syncopate for Dissolve . Scry can be a powerful thing.
Negate and Essence Scatter are too narrow for main board, if you are dead set on them, keep them in the sideboard.
October 25, 2013 9:53 p.m.
Ultimaodin says... #4
Negate and Essence Scatter really aren't that great. If you're running mill, a card I find very useful is Death's Approach. Against creature heavy decks its 1 drop removal that even kills all those pesky gods and other indestructible enemies (excluding Fleecemane Lion with it's Hexproof). Plus it's common and cheap.
October 26, 2013 1:21 a.m.
I put in the additional copies of Dissolve and Hero's Downfall . Thanks for the advice guys.
The reason I don't run Death's Approach even though I own several is because my deck really doesn't mill all that much. Early game, I just try to toss out counters and slow down the tempo as much as possible. Even if I'm sitting on a Breaking / Entering , I rarely play it because I might miss a chance for spot removal or countering. It takes too long for Death's Approach to become a reliable form of removal. Also, it's not instant speed, so I dislike the notion of running it. Thanks for the suggestion though.
Gidgetimer says... #2
I would cut the Syncopate for 2 more Dissolve and a Hero's Downfall . The exile clause on Syncopate isn't very helpful anmore since flashback isn't a thing in standard any more.
October 25, 2013 9 p.m.