Help on dimir control std
Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 27, 2013, 8:28 a.m. by xabe13
Hello there i am a new mtg player ( playing for like a month) and i have created a dimir-control deck and i am kinda lacking win cons and life gain. Can u help me ? if u have any other suggestions other than that feel free to tell them. here is my deck Dimir Control
If i run Read the Bones then i will lose so much hp on my self. I mean i got the shock lands i got thoughtseize if i got that too as well i will lose by myself xD. I like Opportunity for its insta speed ,although its costly ,but i am using it at the end of my opponents turn and i draw like 5 cards which is awesome. Its kinda like spinx's revelation :p. I have seen way too many Lifebane Zombie that's why i am running Returned Phalanx plus it can attack for 3 which is great. but yeah Desecration Demon is kinda a must in this deck. but i cant find it anywhere. I was considering to add Whip of Erebos for lifegain. I am not that much satisfied with Omenspeaker she is a blocker but she isnt a threat that can kill with her block making aggro decks to attack freely and deal me dmg with no casualties/ she is lowering the dmg but doing nothing special
October 27, 2013 9:15 a.m.
I agree with adding Omenspeaker . You might think she does nothing special, but the scry 2 can be very important in digging up your win-con, AEtherling . Personally, I'd run 1 more AEtherling , 1 less Prognostic Sphinx , and swap Returned Phalanx for Desecration Demon .
I'd drop Opportunity , as has been said before. Yes, the instant speed is nice, but the 6 mana could've also let you play an AEtherling or Prognostic Sphinx , or play Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver and have mana open for Dissolve . I would also drop Divination , as enough scry makes the draw power less relevant.
You have solid win-cons, all you need to do is bring them out. Read the Bones really helps this, as you filter and draw. Life-loss might seem like a problem, but it is less so with a few counters and some Omenspeaker to block for you. Yes, your life will be down, but in the end only the last HP matters. This will help you bring out win-cons faster than an opponent can kill you.
Maybe Nightveil Specter could give you some fun plays.
Arvail says... #2
Dimir has no lifegain that you can squeeze in at all. Truth be told, you don't need it. Looking at your deck, if you have the money to spend, swap the Returned Phalanx for Desecration Demon , run 1 fewer Prognostic Sphinx and increase the count of Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver . Drop Opportunity . It's way too costly. If you really want the draw power, you can run Read the Bones or more Divination . Run 4 Dissolve . You may want to consider running Omenspeaker for an early blocker. She's strong enough to block weenies, kill tokes, and scrys 2.
This is actually a pretty solid deck to start off with. Kudos to whoever helped you get here.
October 27, 2013 8:57 a.m.