help pick a deck

Deck Help forum

Posted on March 25, 2014, 5:42 p.m. by pokeyrabbit

so i plan on attending a SCG IQ soon and i can't decide which selesnya deck i want to take. can somebody please help me decide which deck is best suited for the meta game of control, monsters and devotion? thanks for any ideas!

screw your counters and removal

selesnya midrange

angry selesnians

rorofat says... #2

If I were you (and I'm not), I would go with screw your counters and removal. It seems to be slightly better against builds like mono-black and mono-blue.


My friend ran all of those at some time or another. (Thought I could beat every one of them with my junk midrange) lol.

Overall selesnya is VERY good, just make sure you have a sideboard tuned to your meta! Have fun and I hope you crush every deck you play!

March 25, 2014 10:02 p.m.

pokeyrabbit says... #3

thanks for the advice, i will probably go with the deck for its better control match up. what do you think of its monsters match up?

March 25, 2014 10:06 p.m.

rorofat says... #4

It should be pretty solid with the right sideboard decisions. The only card you NEED to worry about would be good 'ol Stormbreath Dragon , pro white would POUND on you. I would probably side in 3 Banisher Priest , 3 Skylasher and 3 Unflinching Courage . Skylasher with Unflinching Courage /Boon Satyr /Selesnya Charm for bye bye stormbreath. I would take out the Mistcutter Hydra s, 1 Soldier of the Pantheon , 2 Experiment One , and 2 Gods Willing ; but it really depends on the match up!

Have fun with it!

March 25, 2014 11 p.m.

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