[Help please] > BU Control Mill Deck [FNM in sight!]
Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 14, 2013, 7:13 a.m. by Deyoter
Hi guys, so I've just start Magic again with Theros, and I'd like to go to FNM (never been there before).
I firslty wanted to play only Mill deck, but it never really worked.Thus, after some iterations, I've come to this deck, any comments are really welcome!
Please find here the link to the deck, and his description right after.
=====I'm making this Mill deck, just adding some "HP"-win con to it.
I can either protect my Jace, Memory Adept long enough to Mill the 60 cards, or just put a Duskmantle Guildmage on round 4, then Jace, Memory Adept or Breaking the opponent's life to 0.
AEtherling is an other win con, adding 8 HP unblocable to speed things up.
I've been doing some others Mill-deck, this one is the one that's works the best.
Older deck (mine, contains some usefull comments/links to other decks) :[B/U] Wait -> Mill -> Kill