Help to beat netdecks

Deck Help forum

Posted on Jan. 4, 2014, 3:01 a.m. by Vieno

I recently started going to friday night magic at my local shops, and after today, I finally noticed that i've only seen 3 different decks in the month i've been going, and those 3 are blue devotion, black devotion, and red devotion. The deck i'm running currently is a G/W enchantment deck G/W Enchantment Aggro. It's been doing pretty well, I went 2/2 today. Against a mono blue, I almost won both times, but couldn't finish it fast enough, so he got out Thassa and Master of Waves with plenty of tokens and finished me in both games. The other loss was against the usual pack rat deck, and I got destroyed without doing anything, as removals completely ruin this deck. As of now, i'm doing all that I can do make my G/W capable of handling blue, and ignoring the fact that I can't beat black as it will never be able to do so. In the meantime, i'm looking for a budget deck that can hold its own against blue and black devotion. I was thinking that my Grixis might stand a chance, but i'm missing some choice cards, such as Mizzium Mortars , Anger of the Gods and other such cards, and not enough cash to grab them. What I have so far is Guttersnipe Rampage. So in the end, i'm just looking for either a budget deck that has a chance against mono blue and mono black, or a way of making my current decks capable of doing so. If anyone has some advice, i'd be extremely thankful if you could share it with me. Thanks in advance.

Vieno says... #2

Oh, and for my budget, i'd really like to stay under $2 for anything I need 4 of. If there's a 1 of card I need, the limit I try for it $5. I know it's low, but i'm a college student that can't get a job due to the situation of my household. There's sadly no way around it at the moment.

January 4, 2014 3:03 a.m.

Servo_Token says... #3

So I recently found this deck and tested it a bit. It's actually extremely good right now.

It's a Festering Newt deck, but it's competitive level right now against devotion decks is very high. And the best part is that it's only $20ish if you buy everything online.

This deck is great at doing the one thing that takes down devotion decks, and that would be using enough removal to knock them down to a manageable level, then takes the game away with sheer board presence. I'll try to find a link to it on this site if anyone's made it.

January 4, 2014 3:19 a.m.

Represser says... #4

Fabled Hero + Unflinching Courage make a wonderful combo. Also Selesnya Charm his god. For black keep his enchantments off the battlefield. For red Brave the Elements .

January 4, 2014 3:23 a.m.

notamardybum says... #5

when it comes to people who net deck, the way to beat them is out play them. There's really not a cheap answer to decks made by pros.

January 4, 2014 3:46 a.m.

Bestach says... #6

Yeah, the reason you see these decks are because they are good decks. Your main advantage is that you expect them, but they don't expect a deck like yours. Build your deck and sideboard to counteract these decks and you should be able to beat them. Idk what exactly you could run, since G/W aren't my strongest colors, but if you include the right things you should be able to take them by surprise.

January 4, 2014 7:16 a.m.

Ultimaodin says... #7

Want to know a card that shuts down all three a for mentioned decks. Sphere of Safety . It's not Aggro sure but if you're playing a lot of Enchantments it comes in and just shuts everything down. Neither of those three enjoy attacking with only one creature (except maybe blue if they have AEtherling)

Otherwise here are cards for going against them in Green White:

Vs Blue:Mistcutter Hydra , Skylasher , Witchstalker

Vs Black:Witchstalker , anything hexproof (not Fleecmane - he gets hit before you get to hit the monstrous)

Vs Red:Unflinching Courage (red don't like their opponents gaining life)

Taking a look at your deck it actually looks look a decent build. Not sure about Commune with the Gods, but that's me. I think you really ought to get Heliod in here. The tokens he create are Enchantments which boost Ethereal Armour. Also gives Wayfaring Temple something else topopulate.

January 4, 2014 8:23 a.m.

kriskurse says... #8

I dont think Sphere of Safety is truly the best card to combat those decks. Mono Black still has Gray Merchant, and they don't need to attack to kill you with that. And Mono Blue has Cyclonic Rift. Overload that and your done. Mono Red has Fanatic of Mogis , which also doesn't need them to attack to kill you.

January 4, 2014 10:10 a.m.

scottemery says... #9

Take the shocks away from this deck Heroic Humans and you have a budget deck capable of beating mono-red mono-black and with some difficulty mono-blue. In my FMM I have come 1st 2nd and 3rd with it. It's main downfall however is Esper control, I can never beat it, but, if your playgroup doesn't have any esper decks I would strongly recommend this deck.

January 4, 2014 10:12 a.m.

themindbullet says... #10

This is the decklist for the deck ThatBlueMage mentioned.

January 4, 2014 10:51 a.m.

Vieno says... #11

Alright, i've updated my deck a bit, added in the sideboard that I forgot to put in, and now I have room for 4 cards. Since I REALLY want this G/W to work, i'm upping my budget just this once. What I did was move Angelic Accord to the sideboard (I've had A LOT of good times with it against mid range+ decks), remove Commune with the Gods , and added 2x Heliod, God of the Sun , and 2x Witchstalker , and also added 4x Gladecover Scout s, and 4x Skylasher s to the sideboard. Can you guys give my deck another look before I decide to stick with this? I'm gonna be trading my ashiok, and spending a lot over my budget for this, so it'd really ease my mind to get a thumbs up from you guys. Here's the deck again. G/W Enchantment Aggro

January 4, 2014 11:56 a.m.

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