Help to splash blue in this deck! Please!
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 8, 2013, 4:42 p.m. by _XDeath_
Pact to death maybe just cards like draw... (to faster cast out more Shadowborn Apostle and use "her" ability) Want to keep it more "Demon" deck.
Thank you for all suggestions! No money limit just make it so good some you can! XD
hectorn125 says... #2
Cut Desecration demon. If your going to tutor for a demon, you want a more powerful guy. Remand for consistent card advantage and mana leak. Vendilion clique for those moments when a demon like lord or griselbrand is siting in your hand. Temporal mastery for maybe more turns/advantage and devastation tide. Most of the time, it will effect them more then it will you. Tempo game with cyclonic rift and halimar depths to control your draws better.
December 8, 2013 5:21 p.m.