Help Tune this deck for modern masters?
Deck Help forum
Posted on May 15, 2013, 11:53 a.m. by Valkyyr93
As much as it is a test of your own personal skill at deckcrafting, I have to admit I'm out of my depth to make this work. For a comprehensive list of my cards, I suggest searching this website for "valkyyr93's zombies" deck- I posted it earlier. My issue is, despite a full playset of gravecrawlers and geralf's messengers and cemetery reapers, my deck just gets annihilated. I realize the majority of this deck is actually still standard. When I realized that, I tried to go with some older cards. They worked, but not incredibly, and were pretty pricey. I want to win the Modern Masters to improve my collection and get serious about magic, but at this point it doesn't look good. A friend suggested I drop all blue, and go straight BG with golgari cards for pushing power (I have a playset of lotleth trolls already in, and dreadbridge goliath). but I'm not sure. I kept losing to a Tarmogoyf deck, Grapeshot turn 2/3 kills, and a lightning fast Titan deck.
Thank you, I didn't know how to do that lol. Now I know
May 15, 2013 11:58 a.m.
to link a deck is like this [ [ time-and-relative-dimension-in-space ] ] : Time and Relative Dimension in Space you put your decks slug in the closed double brackets. The slug can be found after the /mtg-deck/ part of the url so for you it would be [ [ valkyyr93s-zombies ] ] to look like this: Valkyyr93's Zombies. Works for users, and of course cards lol
May 15, 2013 12:02 p.m.
I'm considering taking the blue out, and putting in a set of Diregraf Ghoul , two Cellar Door , and three Phylactery Lich . That would make my zombies harder to kill, and I could pull more tokens out, which is what kept me alive while facing my friend (and competitors) Eldrazi deck. But I'm not sure... Maybe I could put the blue land in sideboard, along with counterspells, so if someone switches out to anti-artifact spells after round one, I could put in a different color and make those artifact destructions a waste of space. Ideas?
DancesWithGoblins says... #2
Valkyyr93's Zombies
May 15, 2013 11:57 a.m.