Help Vs Orzhov Midrange

Deck Help forum

Posted on March 24, 2014, 8:51 p.m. by AndyReveler

So I recently got 3rd place in another GP Phoenix Trial losing only to an Orzhov Midrange deck. My Selesnya deck Without a Voice (GP Phoenix Trial Winner!!!) just couldn't do anything to stop it (I also got horrible draws and my opponent seemed to get what were god hands, but that's besides the point i guess). Now there's not a whole lot I can side in against this deck without becoming weaker to another deck, but I don't wanna do nothing either. One thing that comes to mind is that i take out Spear of Heliod for something but i don't really know what. My first thought is Blind Obedience , it slows them down a bit, and if they haven't killed my creatures, itll allow me to get an attack or two in while leaving them to stay on the offensive for a bit. I'm open to other suggestions as long as you don't try to change my deck or suggest Voice of Resurgence .

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