Help with a cEDH Boros deck potentially reaching Tier 2.5 or more.

Deck Help forum

Posted on July 18, 2018, 12:56 p.m. by BMHKain

Recently, two people suggested I use the following 4 cards, which means 4 cards to cut from there.

Sulfuric Vortex

War's Toll


Personal Sanctuary

I dunno how good they are in Boros cEDH, but I still need 4 cuts to put them in. I'm running Gisela, Blade of Goldnight, & I'm using a Stax theme, with what might be a true Hatebear sub theme. So check it out & decide for yourself; as nobody seems to be fixing the Competitive Meter Bug. And yes, I do know it's still useless. -_-'

Good luck. :)

BTW: Here's the deck as a response to the naysayers:

Gisela Purifies the Non-Believers of cEDH Boros

Commander / EDH* BMHKain


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