Help with a Planeswalker Deck?

Deck Help forum

Posted on Sept. 4, 2011, 9:53 p.m. by Angelus

I'm a somewhat new player, only been playing in a group of friends for round a year [One has a Jace, the Mind Sculptor, lucky!] and I've been entertaining the idea of a Planeswalker Deck in Legacy Format.

I've made an online deck with about 10-11 walkers. I usually use them all, they all end up being useful and I usually don't need a specific walker for their abilities, just to distract the opponent from my life total, wail away on them, and then bring out another walker when the last one's dead.

I usually do this by a combo of Birds of Paradise, Fertile Ground, and Prismatic Omen to fulfill any lack of mana colors I'm missing, and use Defense of the Heart to fetch Birds/Llanowars, and Enlightened Tutor to grab Fertile Ground, Defense of the Heart, or Prismatic Omen when I need them.

But I'm wondering what improvements could I make, or what Walkers to rotate out with others to end to make my deck have more potential. It's mainly White-Green and while I can throw any a creature or two with different color types, I fear they'll handicap the deck, more then help it.

Here's the deck for anyone interested in helping.[planeswalker-deck-5]

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