Help with a U/W flying control deck
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 22, 2013, 6:13 a.m. by EvenDryke
I have had a passion for flying creatures ever since I started playing magic, specifically blue and white flyers. I want to make this deck as fun and effective as possible.
It has small elements of aggro in it (i.e. Favorable Winds , card:Judge's Familiar, and Divine Favor ), but I really want to move away from aggro and more towards control, while still being able to pack a punch.
Right now, I will be adding one more Glacial Fortress , and one more Sejiri Refuge to make it easier to get the right mana.
I am also toying with the idea of replacing the two Divine Favor with two more card:Judge's Familiar. That would keep the speed a bit, and it would help fix my creature:enchantment ratio, which is not idea right now.
To be completely honest, while I find Righteous Authority to be a very fun card to use, I am starting to think that taking it out would be best for the deck. Cards like Curiosity and Squadron Hawk played in the early game will make Righteous Authority super effective in the late game, but it has about a 50-50 success rate. When it works, it really works (+7/+7 buffs), but when it doesn't work, it's fairly useless. I could replace two of them with Sigil of Sleep , which work fantastically well in this deck.
And if I took it out, I could drop down to 22 (20 if I cut out Galepowder Mage as well) lands in favor of more creatures, or other fun little things.
Niblis of the Urn is also a candidate for removal, because I often find that its ability to tap a creature goes unused. I would probably sideboard it if anything.
What do you guys think of this deck? What could make it better? I really don't want to take Curiosity out, but if there is a replacement that works better, I might.
PasorofMuppets says... #2
Flying Control
January 22, 2013 7:03 a.m.