Help with Alela
Deck Help forum
Posted on May 12, 2020, 6:43 p.m. by Tenebroleso
Hi, I need a rules information. Something I haven't found searching the net. If I have Alela, Artful Provocateur in play, does the classic Thopter Foundry + Sword of the Meek works? We sacrifice the Sword to the Foundry and a Thopter enters in play. It's a 1/1 Thopter, but with Alela bonus. Does the Sword come back to the battlefield? Thank you!
JANKYARD_DOG says... #2
If you mean do they proc a faerie token then no. Neither the thopter token being produced or the sword returning to play are being cast.
If you're talking about power then no, the sword will not see a 1/1 because the +1/0 is static and immediately applied. It it not put on the stack and therefore cannot be responded to.
May 12, 2020 8:22 p.m.