Help with an Angel, Demon, and Dragon deck

Deck Help forum

Posted on June 24, 2013, 2:21 p.m. by glomdi

I have a deck centered around Kaalia of the Vast , and I've been playtesting it and it seems okay but I just want some advice on it. I'm not a major player or anything; I just play with my friends, but I still want a good deck. :)

DeckBuilder345 says... #2

First off when you post a request to help with a deck i suggest linking to it. Castiel, Azazel, and Blue-Eyes

Next when you ask for help w/ a kaalia of the vast deck people will think it is a Commander deck... which this is not... probably best to explain that.

as to the deck istelf seems super slow... my thought is you may well be dead before you really get a chance to play anything. Unless your play group goes pretty slow and no one really plays aggro then you may have a chance. I would cut the equipment in favor of a low casting cost creature.

June 24, 2013 2:49 p.m.

apt142 says... #3

Another thing to remember is that Kaalia of the Vast was printed specifically for commander. This makes her an illegal addition for any deck that isn't a casual format.

As stated already, your deck is very slow. I'd suggest dropping a number of demon/dragon/angel additions for things that help you build a board state and get you into the later game. Basic things like creature removal, sweepers and ramps like some mana producing artifacts would help. Since, you can ignore format limitations, you have a large number of great cards to pull from.

On a side note, the Master of Cruelties / Kaalia of the Vast combo is pretty sweet. I hadn't seen that before.

June 24, 2013 2:55 p.m.

glomdi says... #4

@DeckBuilder345Sorry, I thought of that as soon I saw your reply, actually, that I didn't post a link.

The people I play with play pretty slow games - they focus more on dragging the game out and attacking with low power creatures. What would you add to speed it up, though?


Haha yeah we don't really play by format much. There are so many to choose from and it's hard figuring out because we never played with people who already knew how to play; we just read the rules online and went from there.

That combo would be sweet, but I think you can't play that because Master of Cruelties can only attack alone. I might be wrong, though? If so that would be sweet.

Well right now I have 3 cards that would destroy creatures and 2 to destroy artifacts/enchantments. What would you suggest?

Also, on the sidebar for the deck, it says it's legal in Legacy and Vintage. Is that wrong?

June 24, 2013 3:03 p.m.

apt142 says... #5

Oops, I was wrong on the formats. Looks like she is Vintage and Legacy legal.

Here's how the Master of Cruelties/Kaalia combo works:

Master cannot be declared as an attacker with another creature. The secret there is declared. So, if you attack with Kaalia, you can drop him on the field attacking along with her. This bypasses his attacking limitation.

Let's assume that no blocks are declared. As soon as it is determined that Master is unblocked, his trigger happens. Your enemy goes down to 1 life. Since the blocker declare step happens before the damage dealt step, this means that the trigger will resolve before Kaalia deals damage.

She will then deal damage straight into an opponent with 1 life. Which unless they have a response, that's game over.

If you like that combo look for ways to make it more consistent. Up the Kaalia count to 4 and the Cruelties count to 4. With access to white, Swords to Plowshares is a great addition to this deck. Wrath of God will clear out all of those pesky defenders your opponent controls. So, adding a few of those would be great.

June 24, 2013 3:16 p.m.

glomdi says... #6

I see! Well, that makes it much more interesting. :) I will try to focus more on that attack, since that's pretty sweet.

June 24, 2013 3:27 p.m.

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