Help with an FNM deck - getting numbers right

Deck Help forum

Posted on Oct. 12, 2012, 6:23 p.m. by CapnBMo

The deck is deck:fnm-selesnya-beasts-and-tokens

It's a deck I am working on for FNM, first one being tonight (Oct 12).

Main purpose is to quickly ramp into the heavy hitters, Armada Wurm and Grove of the Guardians. Flicker Thragtusk and Armada Wurm with Restoration Angel and Cloudshift. Tokens and lifegain come from flickering or Call of the Conclave paired with Trostani, Selesnya's Voice. Odric, Master Tactician is here as a finisher, have enough creatures out and their defences no longer work. Loxodon Smiter is here as an early game blocker, as well as to discourage hand hate.

For ramp, I decided on Avacyn's Pilgrim and Somberwald Sage, as are great for creature ramping and don't require Forests like Arbor Elf. I also have Farseeks as I found mana dorks can be a target.

The sideboard is where I'm having problems. I'm really torn between tokens and big creatures. Against faster decks, I wanna be able to SB in Parallel Lives to focus more on fast small tokens. I have Dryad Militant and Rest in Peace to deal with zombies, flashback and scavenge. Sigarda, Host of Herons is for decks with too many fliers, and Sundering Growth and Oblivion Ring are for dealing with nasty permanents. I can't decide to get rid of Wayfaring Temple, he has such good synergy with Odric, Master Tactician, but often times he comes in as a feeble 2/2, and becomes an immediate target.

My first version of this deck is Gonna populate on your head - help wanted, which focused exclusively on tokens, but I am leaning more towards this deck and its aggressive and large creatures.

Any suggestions on proportions of cards is greatly appreciated, and I'll update with FNM results throughout the season.

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