Help with anti-control sideboard
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 2, 2014, 6:28 p.m. by megawurmple
Here's the list in question:
Run, Fat Boy, Run! Playtest
SCORE: 93 | 29 COMMENTS | 10581 VIEWS Top 8: 01/19What are my best options to sideboard against control? I have Ruric Thar, the Unbowed in the sideboard, but he's no use if I can't resolve him. Do you guys reckon Spellbreaker Behemoth would be a good anti-control addition? If not, what should I run instead?
It's also been suggested that I mainboard 1 or 2 Cavern of Souls , but I'm not too keen on the idea. Thoughts?
Slycne says... #2
Modern control decks are heavily removal based, I wouldn't lean on any creature that wasn't resilient. Slipping past a counter spell is only part of the battle and it's not too hard to craft scenarios or tax their counters in such a way to get something to the board. A creature like Spellbreaker Behemoth or Vexing Shusher isn't going to stop that Path of Exile in any way.
Thrun, the Last Troll fights the control deck on multiple angles. It is perhaps the ultimate control hate card. They have to have something like Terminus to get rid of it.
Batterskull just keeps coming and they are unlikely to have sided in proper artifact removal for it.
Domri Rade just lets you overwhelm their answers by drawing you into tons of gas.
February 2, 2014 7:42 p.m.