Help with Descend the Legion into Madness's consistancy.
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 23, 2013, 1:13 p.m. by candlehawk
I have made a deck with a crazy win condition of sacing all the soldier tokens I get with Assemble the Legion to Descent into Madness to destroy everything they have before finishing them off. I have recently made some changes to the control elements and win conditions. Blood Artist as another threat. To sac all of my soldier tokens to Descent into Madness and make them take massive damage due to Blood Artist . I fear about the consistency of my deck, however and wonder if there are better RBW control elements that I have overlooked.
candlehawk says... #3
Yea, I realized that. Do you think that perhaps adding it in with Cartel Aristocrat is worth it?
AGrimes says... #2
Blood artist will not work. It only triggers when a creatures dies, decedent into madness exiles.
February 23, 2013 2:20 p.m.