Help with first Standard deck please

Deck Help forum

Posted on May 3, 2013, 8:03 a.m. by zig13


After having a lot of fun playing a ~beatdown flyers deck (Azorius//Simic) at the Dragon's Maze Pre-release I decided to design an improved version of it.

My usual decks use non-combat wincons and/or avoid combat so it was a nice change to play removal and combat tricks to control the outcome of conflicts (Boros Charm -ing a unblocked creature for lethal is really satisfying :D).I quickly discovered I could easily make it within the confines of opposed to my usual of Modern.

The first thing I'd like help with is the mana base. The deck's predessor - also 4 colour - seemed to tick over okay with just a few guildates from the pool but I would clearly like to include some dual/shock lands at ideal proportions. The colour proportions are currentlt to the TappedOut colour wheel but i'm not sure if it's accurate and that is the best way to go in this case.

Secondly the removal suite currently consists of 4 copies of Blood due to the synergy with the high power of the deck's creatures. It seems pretty cool but the sorcery speed aspect is a big downsize so I would like to know what the best instant-speed non-black replacements would be in this case.

I was thinking Rapid Hybridization as it would allow me to (partially) deal with fatties, flying blockers and creatures with powerful activated abilities such as guildmages. With Fluxcharger , Jelenn Sphinx or a Lyev Skyknight given first strike by Weapon Surge I should have no problem dealing with the resulting 3/3 - thoughts?

ShimmerVoid says... #2

Pit Fight and Domri Rade are great in a deck full of massive creatures.

May 3, 2013 8:20 a.m.

zig13 says... #3

@ShimmerVoid - I only said they had high power. I'm going to be running 4 Lyev Skyknight s and 4 Arctic Aven s which would die in a pit-fight with mostly everything (and since I'm only running 18 creatures I can't really afford that to happen).

The Blood half of Flesh / Blood allows them to do damage to other creatures (and players) but without taking damage back at the disadvantage that it is sorcery speed instead of the instant speed of Pit Fight and is also harder to cast.

May 3, 2013 8:26 a.m.

ShimmerVoid says... #4

Have you considered Turn / Burn or Searing Spear ?

May 3, 2013 8:40 a.m.

zig13 says... #5

@ShimmerVoid - The advantages Turn / Burn has over Rapid Hybridization are that it works on Indestructible creatures and that no creature is left behind. The advantage Turn has over Rapid Hybridization is that it leaves a smaller creature.

The advantage Rapid Hybridization has over Turn / Burn is that it is 1/5th of the cost and only requires one colour of mana. The advantages that Rapid Hybridization has over Turn is that it costs 1/3rd of the mana and can viably be used on your own creatures such as in responce to a kill-spell.

In this deck, a couple of Frog Lizards are no problem at all. They can't block any of my creatures and are easily blocked. Keeping up five mana is not viable in creature-based deck and just casting Turn is going to have virtually the same effect as Rapid Hybridization but only until end of turn.

Turn / Burn is a really nice spell and I am sure to play it in a deck at some point but not this one.

Instead of Searing Spear I elected to side-board Thunderbolt .

May 3, 2013 12:26 p.m.

zig13 says... #6

I am still really unsure what land to run. I've got all the non-land card I need for this deck now but I am still not sure what the best combination (i.e numbers) of land to run. If a few people could please list what land they would run in the deck (Skychant) - even roughly - maybe I can get an idea of the best make-up.

I ideally want to have it read for tonight for some pre-FNM-draft games


May 31, 2013 4:58 a.m.

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