Help with green Modern aggro needed

Deck Help forum

Posted on March 17, 2014, 3:25 a.m. by GRCard125

The idea I've been playing around with is based off Strangleroot Geist being equipped with Rancor to swing for large damage early, and then other cards such as Predator Ooze and Dungrove Elder to get large as well, and have pump spells like Vines of Vastwood and Giant Growth . And as much as I like Mono-Green, I'm looking for suggestions on what to splash, because two cards that hurt this deck badly are Etched Champion and Mirran Crusader . Anyone able to suggest on how I can take my aggro idea and make it better, preferably competitive at a Modern level?

KingSorin says... #2

Giant Growth is a bit underwhelming. It's too dodgy to be good in modern. You could splash red for Kird Ape , Lightning Bolt etc. which could help give you some removal as well as a few early bodies. Alternatively, white could give you Voice of Resurgence for more resiliency, Path to Exile because path, and Loam Lion for more aggressive bodies. Naya would also give you access to Wild Nacatl and all the other mentioned cards.

March 17, 2014 3:34 a.m.

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