Help with Gruul standard

Deck Help forum

Posted on Feb. 19, 2013, 2:11 a.m. by Fenrisulfen

So I'm basically pigeonholed into playing gruul for standard since I can't afford to buy any of the other dual lands, can anyone give me any tips/ideas for a somewhat budget gruul deck that can be competitive at all? Got Gruublehulk mocked up as a start but it just looks terrible to me, please help I'm in a serious funk when it comes to building decks at the moment :(

burnsbabe says... #2

Three words. Burning-Tree Emissary . You play her, any decent two drop that she can cast when she comes in like Flinthoof Boar or Gore-House Chainwalker , and Lightning Mauler . Run four Experiment One and four Rakdos Cackler and then splurge on a playset of Hellrider s. Once you've got that you fill out the rest of the deck with burn like Searing Spear and you're good to go. Imagine this.

T1 Experiment One T2 Burning-Tree Emissary , Lightning Mauler pair with the Emissary. Swing for six.

Turn two into Flinthoof Boar who's likely a 3/3 is also good. It's a simple, effective deck that is relatively cheap. Expensive cards are essentially Stomping Ground and Hellrider .

February 19, 2013 2:58 a.m.

zandl says... #3

Strangleroot Geist is another staple.

Ghor-Clan Rampager is huge, too. Any creature you put it on will outlive any reasonable block or burn-spell.

My friend took my suggestion of adding a pair of Cathedral of War to his deck and he claims he only won the last FNM because of it (he lost one game out of an entire tournament of 54 people).

February 19, 2013 3:04 a.m.

burnsbabe says... #4

Good call zandl. Strangleroot Geist is in a strange spot here because you can't cast him with Burning-Tree Emissary but otherwise good. I also forgot (somehow) the Rampager. He's super scary.

February 19, 2013 3:06 a.m.

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