Help With Inconsistency

Deck Help forum

Posted on Oct. 18, 2013, 5:29 p.m. by GoldGhost012

The more I playtest Akroan Horse Doesn't Suck, the more inconsistent it gets. Sometimes I'm mana screwed (I have before mulliganned down to one card, and it wasn't a land), other times I can't get creatures (I used all 4 copies of Magma Jet and my second creature was on turn 7), other times I'm mana flooded. It could be the playtester (tempting to blame, but probably isn't the cause), but I'm pretty sure it's the content of the deck.

The main reason I'm confused is that when I first built it, it tested beautifully, even when I made a couple drastic changes. But since then the consistency has just been declining, and I welcome any input. Maybe it's the Akroan Horse s.

Aerokid says... #2

I think your problem is that Akroan Horse does in fact, suck.

Okm maybe it's not TERRIBLE, but it's basically a much worse Assemble the Legion for 1 less. You have virtually no early game presence and have to rely on your burn spells to kill creatures.. Things like the Battalion 1 drops would be a big help.

October 18, 2013 5:45 p.m.

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