Help with my Izzet and Rakdos decks

Deck Help forum

Posted on Feb. 25, 2014, 4:35 p.m. by Doom_of_Valyria

Hey everyone, so my typical play style is mono green aggro, so both of these decks are unfamiliar to me. I really was intrigued by the idea of a creature less Izzet deck where the red deals direct burn damage, and the blue is full of things like Mind Control , Counterspell , and AEther Storm . The idea behind it is that my opponent is running into a wall trying to get creatures out, only to have best ones get stolen... and to get the crap burnt out of them in the process. I was wondering what your thoughts are on this build, and the cards in the maybe board. This deck is only meant for casual games, but I want it to be a force to be reckoned with, as it's the only control deck I've attempted. Any advice is greatly appreciated!

Cast 'em if You Can Playtest

Casual philly_eagleskid


The other deck is a Rakdos deck, with plenty of aggro. This one doesn't have as clear of a direction for me, other than I'd really like to use Master of Cruelties (hence the 4x Rogue's Passage ) but I would like for Rakdos and Mogis to play a part as well. Along the way I threw I'm some burn spells designed to hobble an opponent (or finish them if Master of Cruelties does its job).Like I said, my vision for this deck is much less refined, which is why I was hoping to get some feedback and guidance on fine tuning it. This deck is made to be modern legal, and ultimately I'd like to see it be competitive in a tournament. Again, I appreciate all your suggestions!

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