Help with Sideboard, Grixis control
Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 10, 2013, 2:53 p.m. by SpaderAce
AEtherling is Awesome!. Why is my deck bad? I think it could be my sideboard, but past that, how can I make it better? I want to succeed at tournaments with this but never seem to be able. I lose against aggro, midrange, control, and it seems like everything. WHY?
Well, I don't want Diabolic Tutor because its too slow. And Bonfire of the Damned is expensive and i don't need it cause Mutilate is fine
August 10, 2013 5:59 p.m.
well on sideobard on these colors id like to add:
a couple of Slaughter Games against control/midrange>Thragtusk opposing AEtherling etc.
some Pithing Needle against drownyard and walkers since you dont run Dreadbore
Witchbane Orb against sac/discard/burn but i dont think your deck needs this one.
Glaring Spotlight against hexproof. Devour Flesh Tribute to Hunger are other options or just more Far / Away to increase chance of drawing it.
Barter in Blood can be an option. you only run 3 creatures and 2 of em can avoid it.
mind this is just a personal opinion :)
August 10, 2013 6:05 p.m.
Diabolic Tutor will get you the AEtherling without having to draw into it.Bonfire of the damned isn't expensive money-wise anymore, and will also knock down their life.
August 13, 2013 3:06 p.m.
Bonfire of the Damned is still $8 and I don't want AEtherling until the time that i could draw into it, since pulling a Diabolic Tutor would just gum up my hand until they have killed me. I might as well run all my AEtherling s if i want it so bad
Antosa says... #2
You might try adding Diabolic Tutor , and Bonfire of the Damned to get what you're looking for, and to wipe the board.
August 10, 2013 4:07 p.m.