Help with sideboarding

Deck Help forum

Posted on Sept. 12, 2013, 5:11 p.m. by turboLuck

My deck is GR Aggro

I would like some help with sideboarding. Struggled a lot with sideboarding last FNM and hoping to get some advice for the next FNM.

Last week I came up against a bant deck who was playing Thragtusk with Restoration Angel . He also had at least 12 non basic lands if not more. I sided in Skullcrack and Burning Earth . What should I have sided out though? I struggled a lot to try remove 6 cards from the deck.

I have been coming up a lot against Desecration Demon + Ratchet Bomb . If I am to side in Plummet and Naturalize which is 5 cards then which do I side out in this case?!

The mirror matchup. Say I side in 2~3 Weapon Surge , what should go? Domri Rade?


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