Help With Standard Rakdos Deck
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 18, 2019, 2:19 a.m. by Ouroboros_47
I'm trying to make a Rakdos midrange deck and I feel like I've hit a wall. My biggest issue was trying to decide 3 drops. Besides Theater of Horrors I wasn't sure what to put in the deck at 3. The deck is here Rakdos Midrange. If you have any recommendations please let me know.
Ouroboros_47 says... #3
Hry BlueBallsMgee thanks for the suggestions, I'll go through them one at a time and you can tell me what you think. Goblin Chainwhirler sadly I doubt I can get 3 red by turn 3 consistently enough for him. Legion Warboss he always seemed a bit awkward to me outside of very specific decks. Plaguecrafter would be a good sideboard I think but this is more a best of one deck for MTGA atm. Midnight Reaper I thought about it a lot but I felt I had too few creatures to justify his inclusion. Do you disagree? Or do you think the deck would benefit by being more heavily creature focused than it is now? Thanks for the thoughts. I might try and make a more creature focused version in the future and see how it compares.
January 18, 2019 6:08 a.m.
blakesmach1 says... #4
I’m sorry I was looking at your deck and posted this there by accident. But I would run Judith, the Scourge Diva
BlueBallsMgee says... #2
There's an argument to be had that Goblin Chainwhirler could be a good 3 drop, with a nice body and an effective ability. If you are afriad of the mana hungry cost then Legion Warboss is another consideration. For the side I could see Plaguecrafter to get rid of those pesky walkers or one-of creatures. For the incremental value Midnight Reaper is on the nose. Lots kf options to choose.Just throwing my two cents out there. Hope it helps somewhat.
January 18, 2019 4:55 a.m. Edited.