Help with the Door

Deck Help forum

Posted on Aug. 5, 2013, 10:35 a.m. by AjMcGamer

A Sliver of a Different Color

This sliver deck uses the Door of Destinies to give my slivers a big boost. Though in playtesting I am finding that I need a door in my opening hand for it to be effective but I also need to wait until turn 4 to drop any slivers if I want the full effect. This delay in putting creatures out really slows down what is supposed to be an aggro deck.

Another thing I am finding is that, if I don't get a door in my opening hand it becomes somewhat of a dead drop later in the game when I already have a board full of slivers.

My question is this, should I keep the door in and accept smaller returns from it by playing slivers up to turn 4 or should I just cut it for something else?

gufymike says... #2

Drop your early creatures, drop it turn 4 or when you get it. existing creatures get the bonus but do not feed it, which is ok. Personally though I find DoD to be a better EDH or Limited card than a 60 card constructed tool because of the cmc. I would invest the slot to some other buff such as Ghor-Clan Rampager or Pyrewild Shaman .

August 5, 2013 10:51 a.m.

actiontech says... #3

I would not reccommend holding creatures in your hand for four turns just to get "maximum value" from the door. Your deck wins by attacking with creatures, and they need to be in play to do that. My suggestion would be to maybe add a 3rd (or 4th) Domri Rade because he's HUGE to your success. Drawing an extra creature every turn, and that being a creature that will boost your others, is so much win I can't explain it. In fact I'd consider pulling the doors out to make room for Domri.

August 5, 2013 10:52 a.m.

Zurnic says... #4

I think you should cut them personally and add in 2 Mutavault .

August 5, 2013 10:52 a.m.

AjMcGamer says... #5

@actiontech I think you may have the right idea. Adding in the 2 extra domris would probably give me more value in the long run than the doors. The doors have only really made a difference long game while testing and I don't really want this deck to see the long game too often.

August 5, 2013 11:01 a.m.

actiontech says... #6

Yup and if you manage to ult him you win the game. Pretty much the best card in a deck like yours.

August 5, 2013 11:06 a.m.

Zurnic says... #7

Descendent's Path is also an option although it will be cycling soon.

August 5, 2013 11:14 a.m.

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