Help with Trample deck standard bloom 2024
Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 21, 2024, 9:56 p.m. by th0r44
Here is the deck that has made it to diamond in MTG Arena My deck:
Big Trample Standard 2024 Bloomburrow
Need some help improving it to hopefully hit mythic. I'm not sure what to add/remove. Maybe get rid of the green seasons cards?
Ya it is a pretty steep curve. Plus my creatures that provide mana for ramp die alot from the 1 mana cut down or some other 2 mana destroy creature spell. So my goal of ramping only survives if I get lucky and they don't have a destroy creature spell.
August 22, 2024 5:31 a.m.
wallisface says... #4
I’ve done some digging to try and find establushed decks that get close to what you’re doing. Hopefully they can help inspire the direction you want to take your brew.
This mono-green list which is a lot lower on the curve and very aggressive/stompy. This is probably what you want your list to be.
Also this two colour deck and this four colour are both examples of ramp decks that aim to justify playing higher-mana creatures. They’re very different from what you’re currently doing but their ramp packages are indicative of what you’d need to mimic to play a higher-mana curve. Similarly, their big creatures are indicative of the kind of power you’d need to match to make the ramping worth it.
wallisface says... #2
My first thoughts from looking at the deck (keep in mind i’m a Modern player, so my knowledge around both Standard and Arena aren’t the best):
your deck us currently listed as only having 58 cards - you’re missing two.
your mana curve looks super, super steep, and i’d suggest lowering it a bunch.
your list looks like it lacks a clear direction/cohesion, with a bunch of cards being run as 2-ofs. I’d suggest trying to ditch the weaker options and running more cards as 4-ofs for a consistency & power reason.
As you get closer to the top of the ladder, you’re probably going to be facing an ever-increasing quantity of meta decks. I’d suggest knowing these matchups well and making sure you have answers to fight them.
August 21, 2024 10:21 p.m.