Hey guys, what would you do with this sealed pool?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 23, 2013, 3:23 a.m. by IAmKingTony
Usually I'm pretty good at picking these things but nothing with this pool seems to be staring me in the face. It's pretty mediocre if I do say so. Green looks pretty strong...
Any tips for me? I placed second in this league last time and would like to win a booster box again! Help a fellow TappedOuter out?
IAmKingTony says... #3
hmm using the Whip with my big dudes doesn't seem too bad at all either
red does come with removal though
maybe some sort of Jund build could be a thing, just splashing red for Polis Crusher and removals
November 23, 2013 3:58 a.m.
Although I will say that powerhouse of RG 4 drops is pretty enticing - Ember Swallower , Polis Crusher , Polukranos, World Eater , Ill-Tempered Cyclops and Purphoros's Emissary .
As for jund/3 colors, for Theros sealed I've never really found much that's worth splashing for. Certainly it will up the quality a bit, but I found there's just not the major RtR or Gatecrash-esque bombs or blowout cards that are worth giving up the consistency of 2 colors. The set has an overall quality that's pretty high, though the ceiling seems a bit lower. There's no Pack Rat level really, and most of the removal is clunky. The only real splashable quality card from the list I think is Sea God's Revenge , that card can be a real blowout, and might be worth packing the Unknown Shores and/or Traveler's Amulet and an island or 2.
November 23, 2013 4:11 a.m.
IAmKingTony says... #5
the Revenge can be a killer, especially to clear away blockers for my powerhouses to swing in
I'll keep that in mind
November 23, 2013 4:29 a.m.
I would probably do BGr with a splash for the two Rage of Purphoros . I know splashing kills the consistency, but with Unknown Shores , Traveler's Amulet , Satyr Hedonist , and Voyaging Satyr it could be pulled off.
I would maybe do something like this, though this is just something I put together in 5 minutes. It might be a good base point though.
November 23, 2013 6:30 a.m.
infinitemana says... #7
I think that BG is the strongest, with maybe a red splash for Polis Crusher and Purphoros's Emissary
Slycne says... #2
White looks to be the weakest and can likely be tossed out first. There's playable cards in there, but nothing terribly powerful.
I definitely think your right on Green, it has your highest concentration of playables. You'd mainboard every green card sans Fade into Antiquity and having 1 enchantment kill is not awful.
Black, Blue and Red for better or worse have roughly the same number of playable cards in each ~ 8-10, with Blue being a little bit behind in quality. I would probably lay out RG and BG first and see what those looked like. Just at a glance I would lean towards BG being the best bet, with Gray Merchant of Asphodel , Hythonia the Cruel and Keepsake Gorgon being better sealed deck cards than Ember Swallower , Polis Crusher , Purphoros's Emissary .
November 23, 2013 3:47 a.m.