hi everyone , new noob here need help please

Deck Help forum

Posted on Dec. 13, 2013, 3:01 a.m. by zack2091

hi everyone , I recently got into MTG , as a starting point I got 2 sets of 2014 core set event deck (Rush of the Wild) and some different booster packs.

I need some help or any advice on upgrading it using the extra cards from the extra event deck I have . I don't know how to link cards or decks here so I will just link the page that have all the cards in that deck http://www.wizards.com/magic/tcg/productarticle.aspx?x=mtg/tcg/magic2014/eventdeck

also got these cards from opening the boosters, I know some of them can help in my deck but not sure with what card to replace them with :

Polukranos, world eater. kalonian hydra. mistcutter hydra. 3 nessian asp. 3 nemesis of mortals. ordeal of purphoros. vastwood hydra. 4 hunt the weak. 4 trollhide.

also on the next month I'm planing on going to FNM , does my deck have a chance there? I know it can't beat all the decks there , but does it have a chance to win a few games?

and last question , when I fist started playing MTG , some people told me to get theros event deck , while others told me to get the 2014 core set event deck , do you guys think I should pick up theros one and the one I have now is better or at least as good as theros?

-Fulcrum says... #2

First off, you link card with double brackets around the card name like so: [ [ Mistcutter Hydra ] ], without the extra spaces. Second, the 2014 Core Set Event Deck is how a friend of mine first started playing and, while his deck has completely changed from the original, it was still a good start. The fact that you got two of these starts you off significantly further ahead for a new player. Some of the key cards you have:

2x Armed / Dangerous : this is honestly one of the best card out there to wombo combo with Ghor-Clan Rampager 's Bloodrush ability.

2x Clan Defiance : More of a mindrange spell, it can be a nice finisher or simply wipe the field and burn the opponent at the same time. Great for setting up a lethal combat phase.

2x Mizzium Mortars : One of the most popular cards for dealing with the ever annoying Blood Baron of Vizkopa

4x Rakdos Cackler : very, very nice one drop creature to put early pressure on the opponent

4x Ghor-Clan Rampager : uncounterable combat tricks

2x Ogre Battledriver : probably needs some ramp to be effective, but he does have a purpose

2x Deadbridge Goliath : while not the strongest boardpresence on Turn 4, he still is pretty big. This and the Polukranos, World Eater are nice.

2x Rubblebelt Raiders : Devotion is the new big thing, and this would be in awesome anywhere, especially with the Kalonian Hydra you have pumping counters everywhere.

4x Elvish Mystic : here's the early ramp that might make Ogre Battledriver worthwhile.

4x Kalonian Tusker : again, strong early board presence is good, even if Kalonian Tusker isn't really a 'finisher.'

4x Burning-Tree Emissary : allows for massive board presence very, very early.

Mistcutter Hydra : sideboard primarily, but does it's share of damage against Blue/White/x Control and Mono Blue Devotion.

Polukranos, World Eater : I'm not the best person to tell you how to use this card effectively, but the activated ability can be used very nicely in combination with Bow of Nylea .

With the cards at your disposal, you have a very nice start. You can try a ton of different options with what you have. There are options for aggro and midrange, and my recommendation would be to just experiment with a lot of different builds of the deck to see what your preferred style is, as well as to watch PTQ matches and look at other decks that do well at FNMs and other sanctioned tournaments.

If you're going to play in standard tournaments, you're going to have to spend more money, so be prepared for that. Hopefully the players at your LGS will be as friendly and helpful as the ones at mine when I first started. Good luck.

December 13, 2013 3:46 a.m.

ChiefBell says... #3

It's always worth going to FNM, even if you lose, because there will be players who will be able to trade with you and make recommendations. I agree with the above notes and suggestions. I would also mention that it's cheaper to buy individual cards you want than to open tons of boosters and hope to get lucky.

December 13, 2013 6:01 a.m.

zack2091 says... #4

thanks for the answers , and for listing the cards and putting some information about them , that really helped me . I will try the deck and see how it goes , a friend told me that deck can do good in FNM if played right (I know it will not win all the games but at same time it will not suck too)

December 13, 2013 2:27 p.m.

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