How Can I Improve my Mono-Black Match Up?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 2, 2014, 10:47 p.m. by InconspicuousPotato
T1 Thoughtseize absolutely crushes this deck. If they take my Jace, Architect of Thought or bomb I just can't win. And I can't handle Desecration Demon once they kill my Sylvan Primordial . Pack Rat isn't a problem as I can usually just dig for a Cyclonic Rift . I'm looking for mainboard answers by the way, plus just any general feedback is appreciated.
Here's the Deck:
Who Says Simic isn't Good? Playtest
SCORE: 0 | 4 COMMENTS | 70 VIEWSInconspicuousPotato says... #3
I feel like adding Arbor Colossus would put too much on the 6 drop slot, plus I prefer Sylvan Primordial because he can kill a Desecration Demon the turn he comes out without trading, and can stand up to most creatures in the format because of his big butt.
Do you really think 4 Polukranos is necessary? I mean he's good and having more threats would solve the thoughtseize problem but... Mistcutter Hydra seems great though, I just need to figure out what to take out.
Simic Charm seems unnecessary. All modes seems mediocre. +3/+3 is not really necessary, hexproof is nice, and the bounce is not necessary with Cyclonic Rift . That means I would really only be playing it for hexproof, which makes it not worth it me.
Axebane Guardian is kind of a pet card of mine. Even if he just taps for 1 though it's fine. My curve goes to 7 and I feel that's enough to warrant a spot.
February 2, 2014 11:33 p.m.
InconspicuousPotato says... #5
Oh wow I read that card wrong, it's way better than I thought. I'll try to find room for it now.
xzavierx says... #2
to answer your question, i would main board Arbor Colossus which should allow you to reduce the 3x Sylvan Primordial which seems a bit high too.
as far as the deck, i would consider 4 polukranos and maybe a Mistcutter Hydra or 2 main board with your ramp.
also i'd consider Simic Charm main board. all 3 abilities are great for your mold.
Axebane Guardian seems a bit unnecessary, your curve isn't that high and you have a lack of defenders to make him that useful.
February 2, 2014 11:23 p.m.