How many sphinx's revelation should I run in my esper control?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 23, 2013, 4:23 p.m. by dpac
I bought a playset of 4x Sphinx's Revelation at a pretty good price and my question is how many sphinx's revelation should I run?Should I run the 4 of them or sell one of them?
I don't want to invest anymore in the RTR block (Jace, Architect of Thought and Blood Baron of Vizkopa ) due to those cards rotating in less than a year.
Please feel free to critique the rest of my deck.
This is my deck: Espereme controlThanks in advance.
try running the 4, and when you see them way to often, heck even win without cast a Sphinx's Revelation you might consider cutting it to 3, but the Elixir of Immortality is crucial.
Don't sell the extra fourth copy, you will just be losing money consider you said you Just bought the playset. Sit on the full playset regardless of how you play them, and when the time comes you will either still have the full set to run, or to trade as a set, if anything, start trying to convert it into a foil playset XD.
December 23, 2013 5:31 p.m.
How would I be losing money if I sold one of them?If I wait they will probably go down in price and then I'll really lose money on all of them. xDI don't know, lots of esper control decks I've been seeing only run 3 Sphinx's Revelation , but they have Jace, Architect of Thought which I don't.But I never tried any way so I can't say which is best. I was hoping for someone with esper control experience to help me on this. xD
December 23, 2013 6:52 p.m.
From what I have seen of Esper Control decks, they are about hand control, and refueling their hand after depleting it from use of spells. That being said, Sphinx's Revelation is the main way to get that hand refilled, as well as a way to get that life back lost from shock lands, creature damage, etc. I would run all four at first, then tweak the deck as needed, as Behgz suggests.
December 23, 2013 7:45 p.m.
I'll try running 4 of them and then cutting down to 3 if I'm seeing it too often.It would be handy for me to sell one of them anyway so that I can make some profit.
notamardybum says... #2
Run 4 and an elixir of immortality
December 23, 2013 4:31 p.m.