how to build your theme deck.

Deck Help forum

Posted on Dec. 5, 2013, 12:46 p.m. by MrKnify

so many people want the best deck, but really what is the best deck? There are so many choices to make.

A more relative question to ask is "How can I make the best deck for ME!"

Simple, we can start with what colours you find more suitable to your play style.... this may not be as easy as you think.

  • Red, Burn damage fast creatures loads of aggro.
  • Blue, Control annoy, counters and library manipulation.
  • White, Life gain, soldiers, defence, damage control.
  • Green, Life gain, life gain, BIG creatures, aggro, ramp....
  • Black, Life steal, hand manipulation, undead, destroy, sacrifice.
  • WOW thats barely scratching the surface especially nowadays... alot of the colours are muddled allowing colours to steal what used to be the main staple of another colour.

    this helps us in our goal. SYNERGY!

    without card synergy you might as well fold. WAIT, but what about drafts? well that is another topic for another time....

    one colour decks are coming back strong, but two colour decks are still very strong, then there is three colour decks....

    1 colour; Pick your colour, go through your cards, find out what abilities one card has that affects another cards ability, bam easy synergy..

    the others are more of the same for 1 colour just mixing with more then 1 colour.

    What should I do for a mix????

    simple this is more based on these principles.

  • Aggro, more creatures about 1/3
  • Control, instants, sorcery about 1/2
  • Defence, Spells that defer damage on a very high load, creatures that can stop damage without dying etc... this one makes the whoel system NOT cut and dry.
  • Disclaimer; These are my opinions. If you want my advice ask a question, If you want to give advice, do not be condescending. IF you want to troll, I will troll, only once as a warning, then I will ignore you.

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