How to improve my Jund Midrange deck after a PTQ
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 28, 2014, 10:37 a.m. by meecht
I played my Jund Midrange deck, Krokodil, at the PTQ in Richmond, KY this past weekend. Going into the last round, I was at 39th place with a 3-2-1 record, then lost to Mono-B in that last round. I didn't check the standings afterward, but I know that loss would have knocked me down significantly.
My losses that day were to Mono-B, Mono-U, and U/W Control. My tie was to another U/W control that I nearly won (he was color screwed and at 8 life after turns). I might have been able to win the match against Mono-U if I had removed his Bident of Thassa sooner, and the Mono-B match was very close (G3 ended when he played Merchant with me at 2 and him at 1).
Any advice on how to make it better would be greatly appreciated.
I would try to fit more Golgari Charm in your sideboard for starters. With Gods and their gear playing such a prominent role in a lot of decks. Mono Blue generally wants to get Thassa, God of the Sea up and running ASAP, often with the likes of Tidebinder Mage and/or Frostburn Weird , resulting in massive devotion useful in casting Master of Waves for a lethal amount of tokens. Followed by an Overloaded Cyclonic Rift to clean up before swinging. Mono Black is basically just biding time till Grey Merchant of Asphodel can cripple you, easily turning what would look like an easy win into a devastating loss through life flip. Mono Black is focused on playing a tempo style to dictate the playing field and be in the best situation possible when Grey Merchant hits. While Blue has access to control elements and counterspells to prevent you from ever getting off the ground. U/W is scary because it could be either a control build, an Ethereal Armor white weenie build, or a combination of both. I'm sure I stated the obvious quite a bit, but hopefully this can help you figure out how best to beat your key matchups. Ill keep looking for more things to change. Unfortunately by the looks of it you've constructed probably the best possible Jund deck you can. Jund is no where near as tough of a match up as it was in Innistrad.
January 28, 2014 12:11 p.m.
Golgari Charm does nothing against Gods because it's a destroy effect. I currently have Fade into Antiquity for use against Gods, but that will probably change to the instant shuffle effect in BNG. Charm is pretty much a 2-mana board wipe against Mono-U, though, and the regen is extremely useful in a lot of matchups. I wouldn't be against going up to 3-of.
I haven't seen a U/W weenie build yet. They've all been U/W control utilizing Elixir of Immortality , Elspeth, Jace AOT, and (sometimes) AEtherling .
kriskurse says... #2
I was there :D I ended up going 3-3 before my friend made me leave. lol
January 28, 2014 11:12 a.m.