How to Improve Theros Event Deck
Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 9, 2013, 4:22 a.m. by AllieQW
Hi guys, I am new to MTG and recently bought 2 of the Theros event deck inspiring heroics, because it seemed to have a lot of value for its relatively low price tag.(deck list below) Unfortunately because of my inexperience I have no idea what cards to take out and what cards to add in. Any help is appreciated.
Note: I do not want to buy any more cards for now, I just want to improve the deck using the extra cards I have gotten from the second event deck. Eg: The event deck comes with 2 detention spheres, therefore since I have 2 of the decks I have an extra 2 detention spheres to add in.
Thanks that looks great :) I was just wondering whether you have time to explain to me why exactly you removed/added what you did, because I want to understand the reasoning behind the changes, especially because when I tried to make changes I was extremely indecisive. Thanks!
November 9, 2013 5:05 a.m.
Tradeylouish says... #4
I would personally take the deck in a more aggressive direction, cutting the Lavinia of the Tenth and Skymark Roc , as well as a few lands. Probably cut the Hopeful Eidolon s and increase the number of Dryad Militant s and Soldier of the Pantheon . Try to fit in your extra copies of the rest of the rares.
November 9, 2013 5:06 a.m.
Thanks, I was thinking of getting rid of the Hopeful Eidolon s as well, because from what I can tell 4 mana is quite a lot for +1+1 and life link. I also see your point about Lavinia and the Roc. My plan in that case would be to add in a 4th Dryad Militant , a 2nd Fabled Hero , a 4th Battlewise Hoplite , a 2nd Soldier of the Pantheon , and a 2nd Ordeal of Heliod . Even with those changes though, I still need to remove a couple of cards to get my playset of Detention Sphere . Any suggestions. Also do you think there are any other cards that would be worthwhile to put extra of in the deck, such as the Frontline Medic , Precinct Captain , or New Prahv Guildmage , for the extra heroic triggers?
November 9, 2013 5:21 a.m.
Yeah i increased the aggressive 1 drops, the dryad militant, soldier of pantheon and the like, and did drop Lavinia and Skymark for the big costs. Added more Gods WIlling since you actually want to trigger heroic. Increased Precinct captain because hes a good two drop, again turning the build into more of a white weenies with blue support kind of deck.
increased banisher priest because they're amazing.added triton tactics from sideboard for more heroic triggers.could probably up battlewise hoplite to 4 of.
Lyev skyknights are a personal favourite of mine, but actually might be better off sideboarded.dropped two gates for more islands because its faster.
November 9, 2013 5:21 a.m.
Cool, one quick question though, why did you get rid of the ordeals. It might be the inexperience talking, but they seem fantastic.
November 9, 2013 5:25 a.m.
Oh and also is there a reason you upped it to 25 lands, from the original 24?
November 9, 2013 5:30 a.m.
oh, miscount on my part. I'd drop the gates entirely. 23 land seems good enough.
Hmmm not sure about the ordeals. They are pretty nice....Wasnt sure what to drop. I'd pick ordeal of thassa over heliod, if i were to choose between them though
November 9, 2013 5:40 a.m.
Actually I happen to have one more Hallowed Fountain, so I was thinking 14 Plains, 5 Islands, 3 Hallowed Fountains and 1 Azorius Guildgate for 23 Lands. Thoughts? Also the reason I ask about the ordeals is because, the ordeals buff up my card with, in the end, +4 permanently. I understand that the Triton Tactics is good because it affects 2 creatures, it does not have the same overall effect. Is this line of reasoning wrong?
November 9, 2013 5:46 a.m.
nah perfectly fine! I was thinking more along the lines of battle tricks and heroic triggers, since ordeal will only trigger one creature once, where at least triton tactics triggers two [assuming they both have heroic] ...and at instant speed?
Oh yes, more shocks the better.If you add the ordeal of thassa, i'd have my land like this:
13 plains, 7 islands, 3 Hallowed fountain
November 9, 2013 5:49 a.m.
Ok I think what I am going to do is your deck, except remove all 4 Triton Tactics for 2x Ordeal of Heliod and 2x Ordeal of Thassa , just because personally I dislike cards like Triton Tactics and think it would be better sideboarded. Then for a land base I would go with 14 Plains, 6 Islands and 3 Hallowed Fountains, that brings me to 58 cards, so from there I think I would add in 1x Battlewise Hoplite for the extra Heroic, and 1x Dryad Militant . Sorry to ask you so many questions, but what do you think? Also would the New Prahv Guildmage be any good for its ability to trigger heroic, because I noticed you got rid of it?
November 9, 2013 6:02 a.m.
Hmmm im not sure about New Prahv I generally dont like any of them.
Keep in mind im just a casual competititive player so feel free to ignore my suggestions :)
Well in essense, he's a good bear with abilities. a 2/2 for 2 mana. The repeatable 'gives flying' could be good......and it DOES target.....but thats not casting therefor heroic doesnt trigger from it.and the detain is quite expensive.
maybe in a bant/ramp build but i just think a Precinct Captain is better off there.
Yeah maybe Triton Tactics is better off in the sideboard, like it originally was.
November 9, 2013 6:08 a.m.
Oh right it says "whenever you cast a spell" got it, so yeah I dont think the guildmage is all that valuable.
Here is my final deck. Please comment if you see any pressing mistakes, and thank you so much :)
Kizmetto says... #2
Heres how i'd modify it, assuming i had two of the decks to play with.Improved Theroic Deck
November 9, 2013 4:56 a.m.