How to properly build a superfriends deck?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 9, 2014, 7:53 p.m. by Bubbleberry
I just started building a B/U/G Superfriends deck that I would love some help with building if anyone could give me tips. Do I run multiples of every Planeswalker? Or do I run 1 of each with alot of synergy cards? Do I build around the Planeswalkers or build the rest of the deck as some kind of separate entity?
All tips and help I could get on this deck would be fantastic, input welcome!
Whaaaat is this I don't even Playtest
SCORE: 2 | 3 COMMENTS | 337 VIEWSNobodyPicksBulbasaur says... #3
The idea of a Superfriends deck is that your walkers do all the work for you while you jam cards down your opponent's throats. Your cards should be built to protect your walkers so they can generate tremendous card advantage by using beneficial effects once a turn without having to spend more cards.
Cards that protect your walkers fall into two categories: Hard control and threat generation. Hard control is going to be focused heavily on kill spells and draw spells. Threat generation hinges around playing walkers and protecting them by also playing creature threats that need to be answered on the spot. The turn they spend answering your threat will be a turn they don't spend killing your walkers.
Hard control is the more often used version. has a deck tech for bant superfriends that uses the threat-heavy version.
February 9, 2014 9:12 p.m.
Bubbleberry says... #5
So Any tips on my deck and how to make it better? I really want to make this deck FNM worthy but still actually be Superfriends. :3
Eerryykk1313 says... #2
In super friends you wanna jam a lot of walkers but also have good synergy and curve with it also. Your curve can start out with ashiok, into a Jace or Kiora and then into a vraska. If you get out enough walkers you can eventually overpower them and exhaust their resources. I'd go a control route if I were you
February 9, 2014 8:20 p.m.