I am building a Legacy Goblins Deck Can you handle the heat?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 11, 2013, 3:02 a.m. by VegetaWins_015
I am still searching for Goblin Lackey but I need advice on goblins and how they are played, for the land base is mine ok or should I add fetches ?
With Legacy Goblins, you want to attack your opponent's mana while still dumping goblins into play via AEther Vial and Goblin Lackey . Thalia, Guardian of Thraben is actually really good mainboard in Goblins because of this. That being said, you'll definitely want to get a full set of Rishadan Port s and Wasteland s.
As far as actually playing the deck, you want to mulligan anytime you don't have a turn one play. Goblin Matron s function as tutors to grab any silver bullets you might be facing against. For example, Goblin Sharpshooter will shut down Ichorid , while Stingscourger can bounce an Emrakul, the Aeons Torn that was cheated into play via Show and Tell .
December 11, 2013 5:08 a.m.
VegetaWins_015 says... #4
@sylvannos ok so I need AEther Vial
to put down my creatures. I have 3 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
in the deck overall but I havent playtested enough to figure out the total amount needed mainboard. Rishadan Port
is expensive and out of stock here in Tacoma but assuming the point of that land card is declaring one of the duel lands tapped down during your opponents uptap phase? I have 3 Cavern of Souls
main board to prevent counters Ethersworn Canonist
seems like a good card to run sb against control. Goblin Lackey
is a 4 of, Goblin Ringleader
a 4 of and Goblin Matron
a 4 of. do I need to pick between Goblin Warchief
and Goblin Chieftain
? Goblin Sharpshooter
a 1 of.
December 11, 2013 10:08 a.m.
Yeah the point of using Rishadan Port is to tap down their lands during their upkeep (you can't play spells or abilities during untap steps) while simultaneously putting goblins into play via AEther Vial (or Goblin Lackey on your turn). I've been having trouble getting a hold of them as well, so I've been messing around with Ghost Quarter s, but those are dead cards in a number of matchups.
As far as Goblin Warchief vs. Goblin Chieftain , you run Goblin Chieftain s if you're playing Frogtosser Banneret s and Earwig Squad s. Otherwise, you run Goblin Warchief . You need the ability to make broken plays from the haste, such as Goblin Piledriver out of nowhere and one-shotting your opponent.
TurboFagoot says... #2
Uh you need fetches, Wastelands and Rishadan Ports.
Why run Shrine of Burning Rage, Reforge the Soul, Arsonist, Chieftain, Ruinblaster, Krenko or Warren Instigator? Hell even Lightning Bolt isn't too good in Goblins. All these cards are wayyy too slow.
December 11, 2013 5:01 a.m.