I bet this deck will beat yours. Try me

Deck Help forum

Posted on Aug. 3, 2013, 5:12 p.m. by SpaderAce

I built this super fun deck, Newt Stew, anyone?, and it performs surprisingly well! I feel like it is very good, but I need outside opinions. Could you playtest it against your favorite deck and tell me how it fares? I bet you will be surprised at how well it works

alpinefroggy says... #2

It...failed but I play modern so its to be expected

August 3, 2013 9:07 p.m.

SpaderAce says... #3

That's cheating! Haha

August 4, 2013 1:32 a.m.

Rayenous says... #4

Looks like we have similar ideas.

I designed my deck to be playable after rotation.

I pitted my Witchy Angels against your deck, and beat it 3 matches in a row.

Mutavault was a big advantage in my deck, as I could decide not to activate it when I thought you may be able to -4/-4 it.

Tenacious Dead is also strong, as you had a hard time getting rid of it. Oblivion Ring was your best answer to it, but I would just sac it in response to O'Rings ETB, and then bring it back.

Your Mutilate was devastating when it went off... I was fortunate that you didn't have Blood Artist out when it was cast.

I have a non-Angelic Accord , mono-Black version as well... lacks a little something, but it integrates the other aspects you have in your deck (Dark Prophecy and Sanguine Bond . - Deck: Bogbrew Bitch - Angelic Accord Version seems to be better though.

I thing your deck may be spreading itself a little too thin trying to do all of these. I would recommend just a little more focus... removing a few unnecessary cards for more removal. (Orzhov Charm is killer in this deck, as it can bring back the Festering Newt , or be used as inexpensive removal.)

When I get more time, I may face-off with some additional decks.

August 4, 2013 3:01 a.m.

SpaderAce says... #5

3 in a row? That's sad. And I actually don't have Dark Prophecy in my current paper build. What exactly do u mean by too thin? What should I adjust? Maybe move this convo to the deck...

August 4, 2013 4:13 a.m.

paraluke says... #6

I played my deck M14 Life Deck against it. Apologies but I won 2 matches straight but that could be due to myself not fully optimized to use your deck.

As what Ray said, I think there was not sufficient concentration to a theme. Though I recognized the potential danger of the witch-newt-cauldron and mutilation-artist combos, it just did not happen in the two games. My deck has quite some creatures and much of the time my life gains pulled me through.

One thing I loved to notice was the newt-cauldron-Angelic Accord which automatically gave you an angel, but I guess 3 card combos do take a while to set up.

Your Sanguine Bond might have caused some havoc, but I had the same card on my side which incidentally caused more danger to your side, though you had Oblivion Ring to remove threats.

It's just 2 games but I did feel your intention on the combos. Maybe concentrate on one theme-combo, then work around it and it may be better.

Oh yea, apologies I'm running life gain-Orzhov, so your Doom Blades are almost useless...I think it was just unlucky my theme went around the holes of your deck.

August 4, 2013 4:42 a.m.

sylvannos says... #7

@alpinefroggy: I'm glad I'm not the only one who whipped out an older deck. My Vintage Goblins and Legacy MUD ended up winning...

August 4, 2013 5:51 a.m.

PotatoPi says... #8

It also lost to my Azami, Lady of Scrolls EDH deck :-P

August 4, 2013 7:07 a.m.

SpaderAce says... #9

You guys. No EDH! And sadly my deck seems to be underperforming. Any suggestions?

August 4, 2013 3:37 p.m.

My The taste of blood is sweet deck beat this 2-1 the stuff that got pesky in your deck I either blew up or got past with unblockable life gain. Good idea though.

August 5, 2013 5:50 p.m.

Lord007 says... #11

My Dimir cipher/mill IDEAL won the first game by Traumatize then Consuming Aberration , Negate your Murder then 2x Hidden Strings to tap all your creatures and swing in for 30 on turn 8. Not how my deck is supposed to win but it works.

Second game you swung with 2 newts for a while, I Traumatize then you played Lingering Souls and Blood Artist , Flashbacked Lingering Souls swung twice with all and then Mutilate for game. I went with no creatures all game.

Third game was a lot more even but it ended with you having 3 Doom Blade in your hand all useless against my 30/30 Consuming Aberration that I played right after you played a Mutilate . I possibly wasn't playing this game correctly but I think I was going to win no matter what.

August 6, 2013 10:55 p.m.

Krayhaft says... #12

Lost against Crats tokens and all her little friends.

Your deck on the play:

You kept 2x Swamp , Mutilate , Oblivion Ring , Godless Shrine , Bubbling Cauldron , Festering Newt (I actually restarted a bit to find a decent hand for this, so I cheated a bit)

I kept opening of Swamp , Abrupt Decay , Arbor Elf , Tragic Slip , Woodland Cemetery , Temple Garden (no mulligans)

T1-You: Swamp, Festering Newt

T1-Me: Draw Overgrown Tomb , play Overgrown Tomb untapped (me-18), play Avacyn's Pilgrim

T2-You: Draw Swamp , play Swamp , Bubbling Cauldron , swing with newt, unblocked (me17, you20)

T2-Me: Draw Cartel Aristocrat , drop Woodland Cemetery , cast Cartel Aristocrat and Arbor Elf , pass.

T3-You: Draw Swamp , drop Godless Shrine tapped, pass.

T3-Me: Draw Advent of the Wurm , play Temple Garden tapped, swing with crats. You chump with newt, and target Arbor Elf . In response I activate elf and pilgrim, adding 1GGW and casting Advent of the Wurm .

T4-You: Draw Evolving Wilds , play wilds. Play O-ring on my wurm, killing it. Pass.

T4-Me: Draw Vault of the Archangel , drop swamp. Swing with crats and pilgrim (me17-you17). At EOT you crack wilds for plains.

T5-You: Draw Festering Newt , play newt. Pass. At EOT I Abrupt Decay the cauldron.

T5-Me: Draw Temple Garden , play temple garden. Swing with crats, you chump with newt, killing the pilgrim.

T6-You: Draw Swamp , play swamp, pass.

T6-Me: Draw Lingering Souls , cast souls, swing with Crats. (me17-you15)

T7-You: Draw swamp, play swamp, play Mutilate , pass.

T7-Me: Draw plains, drop Vault of the Archangel , flashback Lingering Souls , pass.

T8-You: Draw Evolving Wilds , drop wilds, pass.

T8-Me: Draw Trostani, Selesnya's Voice , drop plains, cast trostani, swing with two spirit tokens (me17-you13). At EOT you crack wilds for swamp.

T9-You: Draw Bogbrew Witch . Cast witch, drop swamp, pass.

T9-Me: Draw Cartel Aristocrat , drop Plains , swing with two spirit tokens (me17-you11)

T10-You: Draw Angelic Accord , drop it. Pass. At EOT I populate a spirit with trostani, gaining one life. (me18-you11)

T10-Me: Draw Intangible Virtue , drop it and Cartel Aristocrat gaining two life. Swing with three 2/2 vigilant spirit tokens (me20-you5). Then I sac a spirit to Crats, activating morbid, then Tragic Slip your Bogbrew Witch . In response you activate her ability, fetching Festering Newt before she dies.

T11-You: Draw Murder , cast it on trostani. In response I populate before she dies.

T11-Me: Draw Sunpetal Grove , swing for win.


Altogether a meh deck. I like the idea, but it feels a little too slow for me, and you got a little mana flooded.

August 6, 2013 11:54 p.m.

SpaderAce says... #13

Any tips? I'm trying to make it good for FNM but I don't exactly know what to change on it.

August 7, 2013 12:34 a.m.

Krayhaft says... #14

It just feels like it folds really easily. You have a lot of enchantments that are do-nothings on their own (Sanguine Bond , Angelic Accord ). I like the synergy between accord and Bubbling Cauldron , but most often accord will just sit there doing nothing.

What's your budget? I would up the Lingering Souls count to a playset, find room for Sorin, Lord of Innistrad , drop the cauldron count to 2 (you have witch to tutor and it would be a pain to topdeck without a use for it), and possibly Orzhov Charm (as both removal and a way to recur Festering Newt s). And needless to say, 4x Isolated Chapel if you can get them

August 7, 2013 12:58 a.m.

SpaderAce says... #15

Well how many Sorin, Lord of Innistrad ? I might be able to get one off my buddy, but that's all. The souls and charms aren't expensive, so i'm good there if I try. And I'm having enough trouble trying to find shocklands for my AEtherling is Awesome! deck that I probably won't get the Isolated Chapel s. If you have grixis shocks, I would love to trade, by the way

August 7, 2013 11:12 p.m.

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