I can only use one deck? Luhl, no.

Deck Help forum

Posted on July 15, 2013, 2:07 p.m. by daveandkenz

I recently rebuilt my turbofog beat down deck into a turbofog mill deck. Though I liked the beat down, I found that the deck preferred to mill. So, I changed it quite a bit. Then an idea hit me, why not put the beaters in the sideboard and have two decks in one? So the deck has transformed into a mill/kill hybrid. The deck is working pretty well so far in the casual games I've played (4-0), but casual and competitive can differ tremendously. So, I was wanting some feedback to see how it was assumed to fare against things such as Aristocrats, Hexproof Bant Enchantments, U/B mill, Hellrider Shenanigans, etc.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated and +1ing makes me a happy camper, considering my other deck that got a decent amount of them went corrupt. :/ but, anyways, thanks for everything!

Deck Hate Duct Tape Rape


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