I just won the lottery :)
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 28, 2014, 12:09 p.m. by smackjack
Yey! I just won $2 250, and of course some of that money will be used to purchase some new cards :).
Im thinking 4x Vendilion Clique for my UW control Modern deck to replace Blade Splicer . Flash is just awesome here where i need to have mana open for Cryptic Command .
Anyone know a card that would fit the deck better, and with 4 clique should i take out Wall of Omens for 4x Spellstutter Sprite making the deck even more flashy and countery?
Servo_Token says... #3
Buy a legacy deck, keep it in an airtight box for 5 years, sell for profit.
January 28, 2014 12:20 p.m.
fluffybunnypants I know fetches are probably the best investment (unless they are reprinted soon), but they are also probably the most boring card to get. And for a 2 color deck, where white would be way less important if i take out 4 blade splicers for 4 cliques the fetches will only benefit me by thinning the library most of the time. And thanks :D
ThatBlueMage im considering buying 2 Wasteland for my Dodge and Stab deck instead of the cliques, but then i still need 2 more to make it into death & taxes.. I think the cliques will give me more value as they are a bigger improvement on my control deck than wasteland are for my legacy deck.
January 28, 2014 12:32 p.m.
spacecoyote1313 says... #6
Pro tip, before you go buying cards worry about the taxes and such so you dont spend it all then get into debt.
January 28, 2014 12:51 p.m.
Cobthecobbler says... #7
Congrats dude.
I would honestly say buy some great investments first over anything. What you want to invest in is your choice (I'd say Shocks are a safe bet right now since they're almost guaranteed to go up in a few months once they're not being printed at all anymore), as well as fetches and some legacy cards (Maybe Force of Will ?). Then you can drop some cash on cards you want for your deck.
I'm just saying that, to me at least, it seems that investments are crucial to making the best use out of that miracle, this way you profit some and have something more than a few cards to show for your winnings. I told myself if I ever won the lottery I'd invest it and turn some profit so I have more money for the things I want.
If you're looking for some cool ass shit to buy, get a playset of Verdant Catacombs and Misty Rainforest /Arid Mesa so if you're building an eternal deck, you pretty much have a consistent landbase before you go and fill the rest out; then you'll (likely) have lasting value that you can make some money off of in a few years. I dunno, seems like a good idea to me
January 28, 2014 12:57 p.m.
grats! and might I suggest Snapcaster Mage as the replacement for Wall of Omens .
January 28, 2014 1:55 p.m.
SharuumNyan says... #10
Wow. Congratulations! I'm hoping for that $170million Powerball jackpot this week!!!
I would buy cards that make a good investment, like the dual lands and P9 cards that will never be reprinted. Those things are going to keep getting rarer and more valuable, even if they aren't legal in Modern.
January 28, 2014 2 p.m.
smackjack The mana thinning of fetches is pretty often over-inflated, like 1:100 games will it actually statistically yield you a spell over a land.
It does however make your manabase really awesome and smooth. Take it from someone who just recently finished a playset of Misty Rainforest and Scalding Tarn , fecth lands are not boring. They add a lot of versatility and decisions to the game.
fluffybunnypants says... #2
Fetches, bro, fetches.
January 28, 2014 12:16 p.m.