I need a deck

Deck Help forum

Posted on May 14, 2012, 3:21 p.m. by OliverMK

I have over 100 cards but i don't know how to build a deck if someone wants to help me i will send him the card list.

EleshBlade says... #2

What format are you hoping the deck will be?

May 14, 2012 3:24 p.m.

sowen says... #3

If you know the format I would be glad to give it a shot as well

May 14, 2012 4:15 p.m.

Yes, more information in general would be nice. Do you know the set(s) the cards are from? Do you have an abundance or rares and mythic rares, or are they mostly commons and uncommons? That alone could put you into a different format, like Noble or Pauper (Peasant, maybe?) if you're lacking in rares/mythics. Or if you have a bunch of 1-ofs and at least one legendary creature, maybe Commander.

May 14, 2012 6:35 p.m.

typo: second line should read "...an abundance OF rares..."

May 14, 2012 6:36 p.m.

EleshBlade says... #6

Ya for sure, like I could definitely help you if you're thinking of making it Standard or Modern, than I can definitely help you. But if you're thinking of Legacy, EDH, Pauper, or something else like that, than I'm probably not the right person for the job.

May 14, 2012 6:41 p.m.

DARK_r3ck0n1ng says... #7

the best thing to do would be create a deck listing all the cards you want to use and go from there, it makes the most sense. Under the deck you can state what you want to play whether its standard, modern, popper, legacy, etc....

May 15, 2012 12:46 a.m.

OliverMK says... #8

So i think that the newest cards are from coldsnap i know that i have a lot of old cards but if anyone can tell me a deck i will be grateful.I will send the list of the cards 1 by 1. MOUNTAINCREATURESPain Kami 4xIndentured Oaf 4xGoblin Chariot 4xGoblin Rimerunner 2xOhran Yeti 2xFlowstone Shambler 2xBalduvian BarbariansSokenzan BruiserGlitterfangKill-Suit CulistGoblin Sky RaiderGoblin GliderGoblin RaiderSoul of MagmaOrcish BloodpainterGnat Alley CreeperKarplusan YetiThermopodFrostwiedlerGoblin Fire FiendAnarchistOrdruun CommandoOgre SavantFlame-Kin War ScoutINSTANTSkred 2xDevouring RageLightning BlastShockGuerrilla TacticsSORCERYStone Rain 4xLava Axe 3xVolcanic Hammer 2xBlazeLANDS 16xGreat FurnaceSWAMPCREATURESGravedigger 2xScathe Zombies 2xThoughtpicker Witch 2xGutless Ghoul 2xDisciple of Tevesh Szat 2xDemon's Jester 2xKeening Banshee 2xTresserhorn SkyknightGnat MiserSpineless ThugBog ImpInfections HostRaving Oni-SlaveRag DealerPlague BeetleHollow DogsSwarm of RatsLooming ShadeChilling Shade 2xZombie MusherDeathcurse OgreEnemy of the GuildpactSlaughterhouse BouncerKrovikan ScoundrelSerpent WarriorKuro,PitlordGiant CockroachINSTANTChill to the Bone 4xCremate 3xDouse in Gloom 2xGrim Harvest 2xDark BanishingSORCERYSurging Dementia 4xCry of Contrition 2xCoercion 2xPsychic SpearFeast of FleshENCHANTMENTNecromancer's Magemark 2xUnholy Strenght 2xHissing MiasmaNettling CurseContaminated BondLANDS 15x

May 15, 2012 8:13 a.m.

OliverMK says... #9

FORESTCREATURESWood Elves 4xHunted Wumpus 4xCraw Wurm 4xNorwood Ranger 3xCanopy Spider 3xElvish Warrior 3xEnormous Baloth 2xLone Wolf 2xSpinder Wurm 2xSkarrgan Pit-Skulk 2xElvish Pioneer 2xLlanowar Behemoth 3xTrained Armodon 2xKavu ClimberRiver BearNantuko DiscipleFyndhorn ElderSimic RagwormSiege WurmNightsoil KamiMoss KamiKrosan ColossusRonom HulkAurochs HerdFrostweb SpiderSimian BrawlerSpitting GournaGhor-Clan SavageCytospawn ShamblerCanopy SpiderBoreal CentaurElvish BerserkerBull AurochsOrochi LeafcallerGrizzly BearMatsu-Tribe SniperLlanowar ElvesGolgari BrownscaleKarplusan StriderLerry FogbeastINSTANTGiant Growth 3xInner Calm,Outer Strength 2xReclaimGather CourageNaturalizeUnchecked GrowthSORCERYDosan's Oldest ChantRampant GrowthWing SnareSound the CallENCHANTMENTOvergrowth 3xSerpent Skin 2xStreet Savvy 2xLureLifegiftLANDS 28xISLANDCREATURESSurvivor of the Unseen 4xMistblade Shinobi 3xRimewind Taskmage 3xKrovikan Mist 3xAir Elemental 2xLumengrid Warden 2xNinja of the Deep Hours 2xFrost Raptor 2xProdigal SorcererCrystal SeerPlaxmantaStorm CrowEnigma EidolonDrelnochQuillmane BakuFoodbringerSlipstream SerpentAven FisherHelium SquirterCoastal DrakeMartyr of FrostJetting GlasskiteCephalid LooterSpawnbrokerMinao SightbenderSire of the StormAscending AvenVigilant DrakeSlipstream EelWandering EyeDream ProwlerShinen of Flight's WingsTidewater MinionRonom SerpentGrozothStudent of Elements-Tobita, Master of WindsINSTANTSurging Aether 2xThermal Flux 2xLifted by Clouds 2xRuneboggle 2xQuickchangeControvertReweaveInduce Paranoia 2xMinamo's MeddlingGigadrowse 2xENCHANTMENTFrozen Solid 2xWrit of Passage 2xPhantom WingsGenju of the FallsSORCERYReminisceCounsel of the SoratamiLANDS 13

May 15, 2012 8:15 a.m.

OliverMK says... #10

PLAINSCREATURESGlory Seeker 2xJotun GruntKami of False HopeFoot SoldiersWakestone GargoyleDromad PurebredAven FlockMartyr of SandsKjeldoran JavelineerRonom UnicornINSTANTMending HandsHoly DaySteeling StanceQuite PurityWarrior's HonorSORCERYSacred NectarENCHANTMENT Gelid ShacklesLANDS 10xOTHERHit-RunMarisi's TwinclawsPredatory AdvantageOrzhov GuildmageDeepfire ElementalShielding Plax 2xAzorius First-WingRakdos Carnarium 3xARTIFACTNo-DachiRod of RuinVulshok MorningstarTanglebloomPhyrexian HulkBottle GnomesSkullmead CauldronUr-Golem's EyeAzorius Sigent

So i know this aren't the best cards and its hard to make a deck with them but please someone try.The lands are not the problem i can get a lot of lands.

May 15, 2012 8:15 a.m.

OliverMK says... #12

FOREST,CREATURES,Wood ElvesMTG Card: Wood Elves3x,Hunted WumpusMTG Card: Hunted Wumpus4x,Craw WurmMTG Card: Craw Wurm4x,Norwood RangerMTG Card: Norwood Ranger3x,Canopy SpiderMTG Card: Canopy Spider3x,Elvish WarriorMTG Card: Elvish Warrior3x,Enormous BalothMTG Card: Enormous Baloth2x,Lone WolfMTG Card: Lone Wolf2x,Spined WurmMTG Card: Spined Wurm2x,Skarrgan Pit-SkulkMTG Card: Skarrgan Pit-Skulk2x,Elvish PioneerMTG Card: Elvish Pioneer2x,Llanowar BehemothMTG Card: Llanowar Behemoth3x,Trained ArmodonMTG Card: Trained Armodon2x,Kavu ClimberMTG Card: Kavu Climber,River BearMTG Card: River Bear,Nantuko DiscipleMTG Card: Nantuko Disciple,Fyndhorn ElderMTG Card: Fyndhorn Elder,Simic RagwormMTG Card: Simic Ragworm,Siege WurmMTG Card: Siege Wurm,Nightsoil KamiMTG Card: Nightsoil Kami,Moss KamiMTG Card: Moss Kami,Krosan ColossusMTG Card: Krosan Colossus,Ronom HulkMTG Card: Ronom Hulk,Aurochs HerdMTG Card: Aurochs Herd,Frostweb SpiderMTG Card: Frostweb Spider,Simian BrawlerMTG Card: Simian Brawler,Spitting GournaMTG Card: Spitting Gourna,Ghor-Clan SavageMTG Card: Ghor-Clan Savage,Cytospawn ShamblerMTG Card: Cytospawn Shambler,Canopy SpiderMTG Card: Canopy Spider,Boreal CentaurMTG Card: Boreal Centaur,Elvish BerserkerMTG Card: Elvish Berserker,Bull AurochsMTG Card: Bull Aurochs,Orochi LeafcallerMTG Card: Orochi Leafcaller,Grizzly Bear,Matsu-Tribe SniperMTG Card: Matsu-Tribe Sniper,Llanowar ElvesMTG Card: Llanowar Elves,Golgari BrownscaleMTG Card: Golgari Brownscale,Karplusan StriderMTG Card: Karplusan Strider,Leery FogbeastMTG Card: Leery Fogbeast,INSTANT,Giant GrowthMTG Card: Giant Growth3x,Inner Calm, Outer StrengthMTG Card: Inner Calm, Outer Strength2xReclaimMTG Card: Reclaim,Gather CourageMTG Card: Gather Courage,NaturalizeMTG Card: Naturalize,Unchecked GrowthMTG Card: Unchecked Growth,SORCERY,Dosan's Oldest ChantMTG Card: Dosan's Oldest Chant,Rampant GrowthMTG Card: Rampant Growth,Wing SnareMTG Card: Wing Snare,Sound the CallMTG Card: Sound the Call,ENCHANTMENT,OvergrowthMTG Card: Overgrowth3x,Serpent SkinMTG Card: Serpent Skin2x,Street SavvyMTG Card: Street Savvy2x,LureMTG Card: Lure,LifegiftMTG Card: Lifegift,LANDS 28x,ISLAND,CREATURES,Survivor of the UnseenMTG Card: Survivor of the Unseen4x,Mistblade ShinobiMTG Card: Mistblade Shinobi3x,Rimewind TaskmageMTG Card: Rimewind Taskmage3x,Krovikan MistMTG Card: Krovikan Mist3x,Air ElementalMTG Card: Air Elemental2x,Lumengrid WardenMTG Card: Lumengrid Warden2x,Ninja of the Deep HoursMTG Card: Ninja of the Deep Hours2x,Frost RaptorMTG Card: Frost Raptor2x,Prodigal SorcererMTG Card: Prodigal Sorcerer,Crystal SeerMTG Card: Crystal Seer,PlaxmantaMTG Card: Plaxmanta,Storm CrowMTG Card: Storm Crow,Enigma EidolonMTG Card: Enigma Eidolon,DrelnochMTG Card: Drelnoch,Quillmane BakuMTG Card: Quillmane Baku,FloodbringerMTG Card: Floodbringer,Slipstream SerpentMTG Card: Slipstream Serpent,Aven FisherMTG Card: Aven Fisher,Helium SquirterMTG Card: Helium Squirter,Coastal DrakeMTG Card: Coastal Drake,Martyr of FrostMTG Card: Martyr of Frost,Jetting GlasskiteMTG Card: Jetting Glasskite,Cephalid LooterMTG Card: Cephalid Looter,SpawnbrokerMTG Card: Spawnbroker,Minamo SightbenderMTG Card: Minamo Sightbender,Sire of the StormMTG Card: Sire of the Storm,Ascending AvenMTG Card: Ascending Aven,Vigilant DrakeMTG Card: Vigilant Drake,Slipstream EelMTG Card: Slipstream Eel,Wandering EyeMTG Card: Wandering Eye,Dream ProwlerMTG Card: Dream Prowler,Shinen of Flight's WingsMTG Card: Shinen of Flight's Wings,Tidewater MinionMTG Card: Tidewater Minion,Ronom SerpentMTG Card: Ronom Serpent,GrozothMTG Card: Grozoth,Student of Elements / Tobita, Master of WindsMTG Card: Student of Elements / Tobita, Master of Winds,INSTANT,Surging AEtherMTG Card: Surging AEther2x,Thermal FluxMTG Card: Thermal Flux2x,Lifted by CloudsMTG Card: Lifted by Clouds2x,RuneboggleMTG Card: Runeboggle2x,QuickchangeMTG Card: Quickchange,ControvertMTG Card: Controvert,ReweaveMTG Card: Reweave,Induce ParanoiaMTG Card: Induce Paranoia2x,Minamo's MeddlingMTG Card: Minamo's Meddling,GigadrowseMTG Card: Gigadrowse2x,ENCHANTMENT,Frozen SolidMTG Card: Frozen Solid2xWrit of PassageMTG Card: Writ of Passage2xPhantom WingsMTG Card: Phantom Wings,Genju of the FallsMTG Card: Genju of the Falls,SORCERY,ReminisceMTG Card: Reminisce,Counsel of the SoratamiMTG Card: Counsel of the Soratami,LANDS 13

May 16, 2012 3:38 a.m.

OliverMK says... #13

May 16, 2012 3:54 a.m.

OliverMK says... #14

So this is the same list before with the same cards but just better organized.

May 16, 2012 3:55 a.m.

You could just enter the cards into an actual list or deck form. That would make it easier to read and analyze what you have.

May 16, 2012 4:10 a.m.

OliverMK says... #16

Sorry i am new at this

May 16, 2012 5:57 a.m.

Valentine35 says... #17

its easy to build a deck for the first time. Dont have someone else build one for you it just wont have the same feel. Ok...lets start with a few simple questions to get you started....

1. What is your favorite color?

2. What type of personality do you have?

3.Do you have a favorite card?

Answer one or all of these to give you a starting point for what color/colors to use...

A very easy way to build a first deck is to go buy a starter deck or an event deck (event decks are much better). When i first started to play MTG i used a black/white deck. Then i quit playing and when i got back into MTG i bought an Event deck and played mono-blue. Now i have a crap load of cards and can easily make any color deck i feel like, but I dont, simply because you will see a different style of play in each color. For example i cant stand using mono-red. Its just no the way i play i had a totally awesome mono-red deck and it won a lot but it just wasnt satisfying to use it, because i wasnt enjoying the way i had to play. So thats why you need to make your own deck, give each color a chance and see how you like to play. Once you have decided then go spend a little money and make it better, but be warned MTG is like crack...very addictive, and very expensive. Consider yourself warned, and enlightened. Have fun...i look forward to seeing your first deck.

May 16, 2012 6:58 a.m.

OliverMK says... #18

So i am not a beginner i played like 2-3 years.But i haven't play MTG for a long time so i don't know what to do with this cards i made i deck with this cards but it did't worked out so i am asking someone to help which of this cards can be used for a deck in local tournaments i don't like to take 1st plays or to go to world tournaments i just want a competitive deck from this deck if it is possible.

May 16, 2012 8:58 a.m.

OliverMK says... #19

A lot of you asked for the cards and everything i posted them and you don't help me.Why?

May 26, 2012 8:27 p.m.

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