I need some assistance on a deck i want to build
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 18, 2013, 5:39 p.m. by Chawesome
I would like to build a R/W or tri-colored angle EDH/Commander deck and i need some ideas. I like the big hitting angels of white and the burn spells in red. I figured they might be good together. I like the control in blue, the life steals in black, and the mana ramping in green. Which colors would work well together or should i go for just 2 colors? What should i put in it and and how do i get the mana i need to play big hitting angels such as Avacyn? Angels are high cost drops and early game is where i would be most vulnerable.
All ideas and suggestions are welcomed. Thank you for your assistance.
Just build a Kaalia of the Vast deck. She's pretty much as good as it gets if you like putting in 8 mana angels for free.
ChiefBell says... #2
Check out Epochalyptik's decks. He has one that's just good edh cards. Red is probably the weakest colour for edh but it has its merits.
December 18, 2013 5:56 p.m.