I need to take out six cards...
Deck Help forum
Posted on July 28, 2013, 6:15 p.m. by Trevorlb21
I've been working on a mono-red aggro budget deck for a while that will work for me when the new standard cycle happens in october. Obviously I can't finish it until theros comes out or anything, but I would like to finish it for now and get some practice with it, as I'm getting a little bored of playing control. Anyway, can you help me figure out what 6 cards to take out of my deck, This deck is sunburnt? Thanks
rakdosrunner says... #3
Possible idea, think about dropping either Shock or Mugging . I understand they both have different applications but they are essentially the same card.
Also Gore-House Chainwalker , and Cryptborn Horror dont seem to fit in with the deck well.
The gorehouse is just a plain aggro card and doesnt seem to compliment your full stack. And the horror isnt something that will come out with high power with all those low drop creatures you'd be swinging all and that makes it rough.
I understand the situation your in tough I love all my cards and it's so hard to cut because every one has saved my butt one game or another lol
good luck man!
Trevorlb21 says... #2
I could use sideboard help too if at all possible, and may I add that I don't really know if I need any suggestions on what else to put in (I've had some mono-red experience and boros aggro was my first standard deck), but I do really need help taking out these last six cards, because they all seem to hold high value for me when I've playtested. I'm looking to take out some of the two drops. I might be able to go with one less Mizzium Mortars as it doesn't help Cryptborn Horror and I rarely overload it, but it's still really good...
July 28, 2013 7:41 p.m.