Ice age - Urza's Saga decks.
Deck Help forum
Posted on Sept. 12, 2012, 1:06 a.m. by icasey192
Howdy. I played MTG heavily from Ice Age (1995) to somewhere around Urza's Saga (1998). My decks were all constructed during this timeframe.
Rules have changed, cards are more powerful, and things that were legal are not now. My decks are no longer tournament legal. I keep a record of them as-is just for the fun of playing someone with an old deck, and their surprise in seeing such cards, especially the Stasis deck haha. They were all good decks during that timeframe, and keep up with newer decks for the most part, but some new decks just destroy them. Magic has changed since then.
I want to update my decks. I am new to this site and learning how to use it. But I would love any comments and suggestion as to how I could do so. I possess a large quantity of cards from this time period, enough that I can create multiple decks at any given time that are of quality. I have purchased some newer cards, and integrated them into the decks, but sporadically (ok and a few angels I bought on ebay). Id like to purchase new cards and try to form some decks on my own, as well.
But yea. Basically, I am asking you to throw some ideas at me as to how I can reform these decks to be able to use in common tournament formats, but minimally so. I want to use as many as my older cards as possible.