Ideal aggro Purphoros deck?

Deck Help forum

Posted on Dec. 11, 2013, 6:56 p.m. by MagicTest

Right now I have four each of FS Denizen, Ash Zealot, Young Pyro, Molten Birth, Purphoros, Goblin Rally, Spark, Wild Guess, and Massive Raid, and 24 mountains. Sideboard has 4 Bubbling Cauldron, 4 Frostburn Weird, and not sure what else. Any suggestions?

TheBolas says... #2

Take a look at my Mono-Red Fanatic deck. Hopefully you can get some help or at least an idea or two from it.

December 11, 2013 7:09 p.m.

MagicTest says... #3

Thanks, I think your deck is more of a midrange deck though. Boros Reckoner might be better than Massive Raid, not completely sure.

December 11, 2013 7:47 p.m.

Purphoros, God of the Forge was thought to be a main component in a Young Pyromancer token poping deck with heavy 1 and 2 drops but actually most of those failed in this meta due to heavy removal and the deck he really works in is R/W and Red Devotion decks that deal so much damage and have devotion monsters like Boros Reckoner and stuff like Chandra, Pyromaster and Hammer of Purphoros that when Purphoros comes out he's a creature and the next couple 1 or 2 drops you cast get you 4 more damage your opponent just dies. He stops everything that dosnt fly and I have even thought of making a split R/U Devotion using r/u universal creatures and using Pursuit of Flight on Georgy Forgey.

December 11, 2013 11:06 p.m.

Dont use Young peezy it won't live right now play reckoners and Hammers and 25 land for consistant land and land to sack for 3/3s.

December 11, 2013 11:11 p.m.

MagicTest says... #6

Okay,I can see that those decks have become popular but I am not convinced that they are better than or even as good as my deck, because I am fine with trading 1 for 1 with removal until turn 4 purphoros and then it can get ugly pretty fast with goblin rally and molten birth. Can you suggest a deck to playtest against that you think would be a tough match-up against me?

December 11, 2013 11:35 p.m.

MagicTest says... #7

And yeah I am probably dropping a massive raid for another mountain, also putting skullcrack and act of treason on the sideboard.

December 11, 2013 11:36 p.m.

Rasta_Viking29 says... #8

Your Purphoromancer is similar to my PyrophorosmanceR Mono-Red. I have tried all the cards/combos you are contemplating and the advice others are giving you is correct. The deck just doesn't work like you think it will. Young Pyromancer is fragile and slow. My combos were constantly disrupted and was overwhelmed by devotion decks. The deck is fun to play and is a great casual deck. If you want to be competitive I suggest building something more devotion oriented.

Boros Reckoner is the real deal and Hammer of Purphoros wins games. Massive Raid under-preforms. Wild Guess is a terrible card when you consider that you could be running Lightning Strike , Madcap Skills , Mizzium Mortars , or Magma Jet in its spot. Barrage of Expendables is a better sac outlet for your tokens than Bubbling Cauldron . Foundry Street Denizen will maybe attack for 2 on turn 2 and then either sit around doing nothing or get chumped by a 1/1 creature.

This can be helpful for playtesing: Playtest Against Tourney Winners

December 12, 2013 12:11 p.m.

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